--- basePath: /api/v1beta0/global definitions: Action: discriminator: actionType properties: actionType: enum: - ScalrScriptAction - RemoteScriptAction - ChefAction - LocalScriptAction - AnsibleTowerAction type: string required: - actionType x-concreteTypes: - $ref: '#/definitions/ScalrScriptAction' - $ref: '#/definitions/RemoteScriptAction' - $ref: '#/definitions/LocalScriptAction' - $ref: '#/definitions/ChefAction' - $ref: '#/definitions/AnsibleTowerAction' AllEventsTrigger: description: Triggers when any Event fires. properties: triggerType: enum: - AllEventsTrigger - SpecificEventTrigger type: string required: - triggerType x-abstractType: $ref: '#/definitions/Trigger' x-discriminator: triggerType AnsibleTowerAction: properties: actionType: enum: - ScalrScriptAction - RemoteScriptAction - ChefAction - LocalScriptAction - AnsibleTowerAction type: string configuration: $ref: '#/definitions/AnsibleTowerConfigurationIdentity' description: Ansible Tower identity stored at Bootstrap Configurations. jobTemplate: $ref: '#/definitions/JobTemplateIdentity' description: Ansible Tower Job template stored at Tower Server. variables: description: The Ansible Tower variables to override. JSON or YAML representation. type: string required: - actionType - configuration - jobTemplate x-abstractType: $ref: '#/definitions/Action' x-discriminator: actionType AnsibleTowerConfiguration: properties: allowOverride: description: Indicates whether the Configuration variables could be overridden on lower scopes. type: boolean credentials: items: $ref: '#/definitions/AnsibleTowerMachineCredentials' type: array groups: description: List of Ansible Tower Groups. items: $ref: '#/definitions/AnsibleTowerGroup' type: array id: description: The Ansible Tower configuration identifier. maxLength: 36 minLength: 36 pattern: '[A-Fa-f0-9]{8}-([A-Fa-f0-9]{4}-){3}[A-Fa-f0-9]{12}' readOnly: true type: string inventory: $ref: '#/definitions/ComposedAnsibleTowerInventoryIdentity' isShared: default: true description: Indicates whether the Configuration is available on lower scopes. type: boolean name: description: The Ansible Tower configuration name. type: string organization: $ref: '#/definitions/ComposedAnsibleTowerOrganizationIdentity' scope: enum: - scalr - account - environment - farm - farmrole - role - server readOnly: true type: string server: $ref: '#/definitions/AnsibleTowerServerForeignKey' description: Ansible Tower Server foreign key. variables: description: The Ansible Tower variables to override. JSON or YAML representation. type: string required: - name - server - organization - inventory x-filterable: - id - server - organization - inventory x-usedIn: - /global/ansible-tower/configurations/ - /global/ansible-tower/configurations/{ansibleTowerConfigurationId}/ AnsibleTowerConfigurationDetailsResponse: properties: data: $ref: '#/definitions/AnsibleTowerConfiguration' readOnly: true errors: items: $ref: '#/definitions/ApiMessage' readOnly: true type: array meta: $ref: '#/definitions/ApiMetaContainer' readOnly: true warnings: items: $ref: '#/definitions/ApiMessage' readOnly: true type: array x-derived: $ref: '#/definitions/AnsibleTowerConfiguration' x-usedIn: - /global/ansible-tower/configurations/ - /global/ansible-tower/configurations/{ansibleTowerConfigurationId}/ AnsibleTowerConfigurationIdentity: properties: id: description: The Ansible Tower configuration identifier. maxLength: 36 minLength: 36 pattern: '[A-Fa-f0-9]{8}-([A-Fa-f0-9]{4}-){3}[A-Fa-f0-9]{12}' type: string name: description: The Ansible Tower configuration name. type: string AnsibleTowerConfigurationListResponse: properties: data: items: $ref: '#/definitions/AnsibleTowerConfiguration' readOnly: true type: array errors: items: $ref: '#/definitions/ApiMessage' readOnly: true type: array meta: $ref: '#/definitions/ApiMetaContainer' readOnly: true pagination: $ref: '#/definitions/ApiPagination' readOnly: true warnings: items: $ref: '#/definitions/ApiMessage' readOnly: true type: array x-derived: $ref: '#/definitions/AnsibleTowerConfiguration' x-usedIn: - /global/ansible-tower/configurations/ AnsibleTowerGroup: discriminator: type properties: type: enum: - AnsibleTowerGroupRegular - AnsibleTowerGroupTemplate type: string required: - type x-concreteTypes: - $ref: '#/definitions/AnsibleTowerGroupRegular' - $ref: '#/definitions/AnsibleTowerGroupTemplate' AnsibleTowerGroupRegular: properties: id: description: Unique identifier of the Ansible Tower Regular Group. type: integer name: description: The name of the Ansible Tower Regular Group. type: string type: enum: - AnsibleTowerGroupRegular - AnsibleTowerGroupTemplate type: string required: - type x-abstractType: $ref: '#/definitions/AnsibleTowerGroup' x-discriminator: type AnsibleTowerGroupTemplate: properties: id: description: Unique identifier of the Ansible Tower Template Group. maxLength: 36 minLength: 36 pattern: '[A-Fa-f0-9]{8}-([A-Fa-f0-9]{4}-){3}[A-Fa-f0-9]{12}' type: string name: description: The name of the Ansible Tower Template Group. type: string type: enum: - AnsibleTowerGroupRegular - AnsibleTowerGroupTemplate type: string required: - type x-abstractType: $ref: '#/definitions/AnsibleTowerGroup' x-discriminator: type AnsibleTowerMachineCredentials: discriminator: type properties: id: description: The identifier of the Machine Credentials. type: integer name: description: Name of the Machine Credentials type: string type: description: Type of the Machine Credentials. enum: - AnsibleTowerMachineCredentialsWindows - AnsibleTowerMachineCredentialsLinux type: string required: - type x-concreteTypes: - $ref: '#/definitions/AnsibleTowerMachineCredentialsLinux' - $ref: '#/definitions/AnsibleTowerMachineCredentialsWindows' AnsibleTowerMachineCredentialsLinux: properties: id: description: The identifier of the Machine Credentials. type: integer name: description: Name of the Machine Credentials type: string publicKey: type: string type: description: Type of the Machine Credentials. enum: - AnsibleTowerMachineCredentialsWindows - AnsibleTowerMachineCredentialsLinux type: string required: - type x-abstractType: $ref: '#/definitions/AnsibleTowerMachineCredentials' x-discriminator: type AnsibleTowerMachineCredentialsWindows: properties: id: description: The identifier of the Machine Credentials. type: integer name: description: Name of the Machine Credentials type: string password: format: password type: string type: description: Type of the Machine Credentials. enum: - AnsibleTowerMachineCredentialsWindows - AnsibleTowerMachineCredentialsLinux type: string required: - type x-abstractType: $ref: '#/definitions/AnsibleTowerMachineCredentials' x-discriminator: type AnsibleTowerServer: properties: certificate: type: string id: maxLength: 36 minLength: 36 pattern: '[A-Fa-f0-9]{8}-([A-Fa-f0-9]{4}-){3}[A-Fa-f0-9]{12}' readOnly: true type: string scope: enum: - scalr - account - environment - farm - farmrole - role - server readOnly: true type: string sslVerification: description: Specifies whether it should verify SSL Certificate. type: boolean url: description: The Ansible Tower Server API url. type: string userName: description: The ID of the Ansible Tower user. type: string required: - url - userName x-filterable: - id - url - scope AnsibleTowerServerForeignKey: properties: id: type: string required: - id x-derived: $ref: '#/definitions/AnsibleTowerServer' x-references: $ref: '#/definitions/AnsibleTowerServer' AnsibleTowerServerListResponse: properties: data: items: $ref: '#/definitions/AnsibleTowerServer' readOnly: true type: array errors: items: $ref: '#/definitions/ApiMessage' readOnly: true type: array meta: $ref: '#/definitions/ApiMetaContainer' readOnly: true pagination: $ref: '#/definitions/ApiPagination' readOnly: true warnings: items: $ref: '#/definitions/ApiMessage' readOnly: true type: array x-derived: $ref: '#/definitions/AnsibleTowerServer' x-usedIn: - /global/ansible-tower/servers/ ApiErrorResponse: description: Common response for erroneous requests. properties: errors: items: $ref: '#/definitions/ApiMessage' readOnly: true type: array meta: $ref: '#/definitions/ApiMetaContainer' readOnly: true warnings: items: $ref: '#/definitions/ApiMessage' readOnly: true type: array x-usedIn: - /global/global-variables/ - /global/global-variables/{globalVariableName}/ - /global/role-categories/ - /global/role-categories/{roleCategoryId}/ - /global/roles/ - /global/roles/{roleId}/ - /global/roles/{roleId}/actions/deprecate/ - /global/roles/{roleId}/images/ - /global/roles/{roleId}/images/{imageId}/ - /global/roles/{roleId}/images/{imageId}/actions/replace/ - /global/roles/{roleId}/global-variables/ - /global/roles/{roleId}/global-variables/{globalVariableName}/ - /global/roles/{roleId}/orchestration-rules/ - /global/roles/{roleId}/orchestration-rules/{orchestrationRuleId}/ - /global/images/ - /global/images/{imageId}/ - /global/images/{imageId}/actions/copy/ - /global/images/{imageId}/actions/replace/ - /global/os/ - /global/os/{osId}/ - /global/projects/ - /global/projects/{projectId}/ - /global/cloud-credentials/ - /global/cloud-credentials/{cloudCredentialsId}/ - /global/users/ - /global/ansible-tower/servers/ - /global/ansible-tower/configurations/ - /global/ansible-tower/configurations/{ansibleTowerConfigurationId}/ ApiMessage: properties: code: description: A machine-readable representation of the message. type: string message: description: A human-readable representation of the message. type: string ApiMetaContainer: properties: sample: description: Actual properties TBD. type: string ApiPagination: properties: first: readOnly: true type: string last: readOnly: true type: string next: readOnly: true type: string prev: readOnly: true type: string AwsCloudCredentials: properties: accessKey: description: Access key ID. type: string accountId: description: AWS Account ID. readOnly: true type: string accountType: description: AWS Account type. enum: - regular - govcloud - china type: string billing: $ref: '#/definitions/AwsDetailedBilling' cloudCredentialsType: description: The Cloud Platform these credentials allow access to. enum: - AwsCloudCredentials - GceCloudCredentials - AzureCloudCredentials - CloudstackCloudCredentials - OpenstackCloudCredentials - RackspaceCloudCredentials - VmwareCloudCredentials type: string description: type: string id: description: Unique identifier for this Cloud Credentials object. maxLength: 12 minLength: 12 pattern: '[A-Fa-f0-9]+' readOnly: true type: string name: description: Unique name of these Cloud Credentials. type: string provider: description: Cloud provider for Openstack or Cloudstack based clouds. type: string scope: description: The scope in which these Cloud Credentials were added. enum: - scalr - account - environment - farm - farmrole - role - server readOnly: true type: string secretKey: description: The secret key. type: string status: description: The status of these Cloud Credentials. enum: - disabled - enabled - suspended readOnly: true type: string required: - name - cloudCredentialsType - accountType - accessKey - secretKey x-abstractType: $ref: '#/definitions/CloudCredentials' x-createOnly: - cloudCredentialsType - provider x-discriminator: cloudCredentialsType x-filterable: - id - name - cloudCredentialsType - status - scope - provider - accountType AwsDetailedBilling: properties: bucket: description: Billing bucket name. type: string cloudCredentials: $ref: '#/definitions/CloudCredentialsForeignKey' description: Payer AWS Cloud Credentials. cloudLocation: description: Billing bucket region. type: string enabled: default: false description: Whether detailed billing is enabled. type: boolean AwsImageCloudFeatures: description: Cloud specifics Image configuration. properties: accountId: description: AWS account ID type: string type: enum: - AwsImageCloudFeatures - VmwareImageCloudFeatures - OpenstackImageCloudFeatures type: string virtualization: description: 'The Image virtualization type. Can be one of two types of virtualization: paravirtual (pv) or hardware virtual machine (hvm). At the Environment scope this property is read-only.' enum: - hvm - paravirtual type: string required: - type x-abstractType: $ref: '#/definitions/ImageCloudFeatures' x-discriminator: type AzureCloudCredentials: properties: cloudCredentialsType: description: The Cloud Platform these credentials allow access to. enum: - AwsCloudCredentials - GceCloudCredentials - AzureCloudCredentials - CloudstackCloudCredentials - OpenstackCloudCredentials - RackspaceCloudCredentials - VmwareCloudCredentials type: string description: type: string id: description: Unique identifier for this Cloud Credentials object. maxLength: 12 minLength: 12 pattern: '[A-Fa-f0-9]+' readOnly: true type: string name: description: Unique name of these Cloud Credentials. type: string provider: description: Cloud provider for Openstack or Cloudstack based clouds. type: string scope: description: The scope in which these Cloud Credentials were added. enum: - scalr - account - environment - farm - farmrole - role - server readOnly: true type: string status: description: The status of these Cloud Credentials. enum: - disabled - enabled - suspended readOnly: true type: string subscription: description: The Azure Subscription ID. type: string tenantId: description: The Azure Active Directory identifier. type: string required: - name - cloudCredentialsType - tenantId - subscription x-abstractType: $ref: '#/definitions/CloudCredentials' x-createOnly: - cloudCredentialsType - provider x-discriminator: cloudCredentialsType x-filterable: - id - name - cloudCredentialsType - status - scope - provider ChefAction: properties: actionType: enum: - ScalrScriptAction - RemoteScriptAction - ChefAction - LocalScriptAction - AnsibleTowerAction type: string required: - actionType x-abstractType: $ref: '#/definitions/Action' x-discriminator: actionType CloudCredentials: discriminator: cloudCredentialsType properties: cloudCredentialsType: description: The Cloud Platform these credentials allow access to. enum: - AwsCloudCredentials - GceCloudCredentials - AzureCloudCredentials - CloudstackCloudCredentials - OpenstackCloudCredentials - RackspaceCloudCredentials - VmwareCloudCredentials type: string description: type: string id: description: Unique identifier for this Cloud Credentials object. maxLength: 12 minLength: 12 pattern: '[A-Fa-f0-9]+' readOnly: true type: string name: description: Unique name of these Cloud Credentials. type: string provider: description: Cloud provider for Openstack or Cloudstack based clouds. type: string scope: description: The scope in which these Cloud Credentials were added. enum: - scalr - account - environment - farm - farmrole - role - server readOnly: true type: string status: description: The status of these Cloud Credentials. enum: - disabled - enabled - suspended readOnly: true type: string required: - name - cloudCredentialsType x-concreteTypes: - $ref: '#/definitions/AwsCloudCredentials' - $ref: '#/definitions/GceCloudCredentials' - $ref: '#/definitions/OpenstackCloudCredentials' - $ref: '#/definitions/CloudstackCloudCredentials' - $ref: '#/definitions/RackspaceCloudCredentials' - $ref: '#/definitions/AzureCloudCredentials' - $ref: '#/definitions/VmwareCloudCredentials' x-createOnly: - cloudCredentialsType - provider x-filterable: - id - name - cloudCredentialsType - status - scope - provider x-usedIn: - /global/cloud-credentials/ - /global/cloud-credentials/{cloudCredentialsId}/ CloudCredentialsDetailsResponse: properties: data: $ref: '#/definitions/CloudCredentials' readOnly: true errors: items: $ref: '#/definitions/ApiMessage' readOnly: true type: array meta: $ref: '#/definitions/ApiMetaContainer' readOnly: true warnings: items: $ref: '#/definitions/ApiMessage' readOnly: true type: array x-derived: $ref: '#/definitions/CloudCredentials' x-usedIn: - /global/cloud-credentials/ - /global/cloud-credentials/{cloudCredentialsId}/ CloudCredentialsForeignKey: properties: id: description: Unique identifier of Cloud Credentials object. type: string required: - id CloudCredentialsSummary: properties: cloudCredentialsType: description: The Cloud Platform these credentials allow access to. enum: - AwsCloudCredentials - GceCloudCredentials - AzureCloudCredentials - CloudstackCloudCredentials - OpenstackCloudCredentials - RackspaceCloudCredentials - VmwareCloudCredentials type: string description: type: string id: description: Unique identifier for this Cloud Credentials object. maxLength: 12 minLength: 12 pattern: '[A-Fa-f0-9]+' readOnly: true type: string name: description: Unique name of these Cloud Credentials. type: string provider: description: Cloud provider for Openstack or Cloudstack based clouds. type: string scope: description: The scope in which these Cloud Credentials were added. enum: - scalr - account - environment - farm - farmrole - role - server readOnly: true type: string status: description: The status of these Cloud Credentials. enum: - disabled - enabled - suspended readOnly: true type: string required: - name - cloudCredentialsType x-createOnly: - cloudCredentialsType - provider x-filterable: - id - name - cloudCredentialsType - status - scope - provider CloudCredentialsSummaryListResponse: properties: data: items: $ref: '#/definitions/CloudCredentialsSummary' readOnly: true type: array errors: items: $ref: '#/definitions/ApiMessage' readOnly: true type: array meta: $ref: '#/definitions/ApiMetaContainer' readOnly: true pagination: $ref: '#/definitions/ApiPagination' readOnly: true warnings: items: $ref: '#/definitions/ApiMessage' readOnly: true type: array x-derived: $ref: '#/definitions/CloudCredentialsSummary' x-usedIn: - /global/cloud-credentials/ CloudstackCloudCredentials: properties: apiKey: description: The API key. type: string apiUrl: description: 'The URL like: http(s)://:/client/api.' type: string cloudCredentialsType: description: The Cloud Platform these credentials allow access to. enum: - AwsCloudCredentials - GceCloudCredentials - AzureCloudCredentials - CloudstackCloudCredentials - OpenstackCloudCredentials - RackspaceCloudCredentials - VmwareCloudCredentials type: string description: type: string id: description: Unique identifier for this Cloud Credentials object. maxLength: 12 minLength: 12 pattern: '[A-Fa-f0-9]+' readOnly: true type: string name: description: Unique name of these Cloud Credentials. type: string provider: description: Cloud provider that should be specified for CloudStack based clouds. enum: - cloudstack - idcf type: string scope: description: The scope in which these Cloud Credentials were added. enum: - scalr - account - environment - farm - farmrole - role - server readOnly: true type: string secretKey: description: The secret key. type: string status: description: The status of these Cloud Credentials. enum: - disabled - enabled - suspended readOnly: true type: string required: - name - cloudCredentialsType - provider - apiUrl - apiKey - secretKey x-abstractType: $ref: '#/definitions/CloudCredentials' x-createOnly: - cloudCredentialsType - provider - provider x-discriminator: cloudCredentialsType x-filterable: - id - name - cloudCredentialsType - status - scope - provider ComposedAnsibleTowerInventoryIdentity: properties: id: description: Unique identifier of the Ansible Tower Inventory object. type: integer name: description: The name of the Ansible Tower Inventory object. type: string ComposedAnsibleTowerOrganizationIdentity: properties: id: description: Unique identifier of the Ansible Tower Organization object. type: integer name: description: The name of the Ansible Tower Organization object. type: string ComposedUserIdentity: properties: email: description: Email of the User. format: email readOnly: true type: string id: description: Unique identifier of the User. type: integer required: - id Event: properties: description: type: string id: description: The name of this custom event. pattern: '[A-Za-z0-9]+' type: string scope: enum: - scalr - account - environment - farm - farmrole - role - server readOnly: true type: string required: - id x-createOnly: - id x-filterable: - id - scope EventForeignKey: properties: id: description: The name of this custom event. type: string required: - id x-derived: $ref: '#/definitions/Event' x-references: $ref: '#/definitions/Event' FarmRoleForeignKey: properties: id: description: The ID of the Farm that is referred to. type: integer required: - id FarmRoleIdentity: properties: alias: description: The Alias for this Farm Role. type: string id: description: Unique identifier for this Farm Role. readOnly: true type: integer FarmRolesCondition: properties: farmRoles: description: Farm Role identity objects. items: $ref: '#/definitions/FarmRoleIdentity' type: array type: description: Orchestration rule condition type. Selected only those servers that match conditions. enum: - FarmRolesCondition - OsCondition - TagsCondition type: string required: - type x-abstractType: $ref: '#/definitions/OrchestrationRuleCondition' x-discriminator: type FarmTarget: description: Selects all the Servers that belong to the triggering Server's Farm. properties: conditions: description: 'Triggering servers conditions. ' items: $ref: '#/definitions/OrchestrationRuleCondition' type: array targetType: enum: - TriggeringServerTarget - TriggeringFarmRoleTarget - FarmTarget type: string required: - targetType x-abstractType: $ref: '#/definitions/Target' x-discriminator: targetType GceCloudCredentials: properties: accountName: description: The service account name. type: string clientId: description: GCE client ID. type: string cloudCredentialsType: description: The Cloud Platform these credentials allow access to. enum: - AwsCloudCredentials - GceCloudCredentials - AzureCloudCredentials - CloudstackCloudCredentials - OpenstackCloudCredentials - RackspaceCloudCredentials - VmwareCloudCredentials type: string description: type: string id: description: Unique identifier for this Cloud Credentials object. maxLength: 12 minLength: 12 pattern: '[A-Fa-f0-9]+' readOnly: true type: string name: description: Unique name of these Cloud Credentials. type: string privateKey: description: Private key with boundary. format: byte type: string projectId: description: GCE project ID. type: string provider: description: Cloud provider for Openstack or Cloudstack based clouds. type: string scope: description: The scope in which these Cloud Credentials were added. enum: - scalr - account - environment - farm - farmrole - role - server readOnly: true type: string status: description: The status of these Cloud Credentials. enum: - disabled - enabled - suspended readOnly: true type: string required: - name - cloudCredentialsType - projectId - clientId - accountName - privateKey x-abstractType: $ref: '#/definitions/CloudCredentials' x-createOnly: - cloudCredentialsType - provider x-discriminator: cloudCredentialsType x-filterable: - id - name - cloudCredentialsType - status - scope - provider GlobalVariable: discriminator: type properties: category: description: The category of this Global Variable. type: string computedValue: description: The value computed by Scalr for this Global Variable. readOnly: true type: string declaredIn: description: The Scope in which this Global Variable is declared. enum: - scalr - account - environment - farm - farmrole - role - server readOnly: true type: string definedIn: description: The Scope in which this Global Variable is given a value. enum: - scalr - account - environment - farm - farmrole - role - server readOnly: true type: string description: description: A description that explains what this Global Variable is used for. type: string hidden: description: Whether this Global Variable is hidden in inner scopes. This is read-only if `declaredIn` is not the current scope. type: boolean locked: description: Whether this Global Variable is locked in inner scopes. This is read-only if `declaredIn` is not the current scope. type: boolean name: type: string requiredIn: description: The scope where this Global Variable is required. This is read-only if `declaredIn` is not the current scope. enum: - scalr - account - environment - farm - farmrole - role - server type: string type: description: The type of Global Variable. enum: - GlobalVariableJson - GlobalVariableString - GlobalVariableList - GlobalVariableRemoteList type: string value: description: The value declared in the current scope for this Global Variable. If it is null, the value will be inherited from higher scopes. This field is ignored if `declaredIn` is not the current scope. type: string required: - name - type x-concreteTypes: - $ref: '#/definitions/GlobalVariableString' - $ref: '#/definitions/GlobalVariableJson' - $ref: '#/definitions/GlobalVariableList' - $ref: '#/definitions/GlobalVariableRemoteList' x-createOnly: - name x-usedIn: - /global/global-variables/ - /global/global-variables/{globalVariableName}/ - /global/roles/{roleId}/global-variables/ - /global/roles/{roleId}/global-variables/{globalVariableName}/ GlobalVariableDetailsResponse: properties: data: $ref: '#/definitions/GlobalVariable' readOnly: true errors: items: $ref: '#/definitions/ApiMessage' readOnly: true type: array meta: $ref: '#/definitions/ApiMetaContainer' readOnly: true warnings: items: $ref: '#/definitions/ApiMessage' readOnly: true type: array x-derived: $ref: '#/definitions/GlobalVariable' x-usedIn: - /global/global-variables/ - /global/global-variables/{globalVariableName}/ - /global/roles/{roleId}/global-variables/ - /global/roles/{roleId}/global-variables/{globalVariableName}/ GlobalVariableJson: properties: category: description: The category of this Global Variable. type: string computedValue: description: The value computed by Scalr for this Global Variable. readOnly: true type: string declaredIn: description: The Scope in which this Global Variable is declared. enum: - scalr - account - environment - farm - farmrole - role - server readOnly: true type: string definedIn: description: The Scope in which this Global Variable is given a value. enum: - scalr - account - environment - farm - farmrole - role - server readOnly: true type: string description: description: A description that explains what this Global Variable is used for. type: string hidden: description: Whether this Global Variable is hidden in inner scopes. This is read-only if `declaredIn` is not the current scope. type: boolean locked: description: Whether this Global Variable is locked in inner scopes. This is read-only if `declaredIn` is not the current scope. type: boolean name: type: string requiredIn: description: The scope where this Global Variable is required. This is read-only if `declaredIn` is not the current scope. enum: - scalr - account - environment - farm - farmrole - role - server type: string type: description: The type of Global Variable. enum: - GlobalVariableJson - GlobalVariableString - GlobalVariableList - GlobalVariableRemoteList type: string value: description: The value declared in the current scope for this Global Variable. If it is null, the value will be inherited from higher scopes. This field is ignored if `declaredIn` is not the current scope. type: string required: - name - type x-abstractType: $ref: '#/definitions/GlobalVariable' x-createOnly: - name x-discriminator: type GlobalVariableList: properties: allowedValues: description: The list of values to which the Global Variable value must correspond. items: $ref: '#/definitions/VariableAllowedValue' type: array category: description: The category of this Global Variable. type: string computedValue: description: The value computed by Scalr for this Global Variable. readOnly: true type: string declaredIn: description: The Scope in which this Global Variable is declared. enum: - scalr - account - environment - farm - farmrole - role - server readOnly: true type: string definedIn: description: The Scope in which this Global Variable is given a value. enum: - scalr - account - environment - farm - farmrole - role - server readOnly: true type: string description: description: A description that explains what this Global Variable is used for. type: string hidden: description: Whether this Global Variable is hidden in inner scopes. This is read-only if `declaredIn` is not the current scope. type: boolean locked: description: Whether this Global Variable is locked in inner scopes. This is read-only if `declaredIn` is not the current scope. type: boolean name: type: string requiredIn: description: The scope where this Global Variable is required. This is read-only if `declaredIn` is not the current scope. enum: - scalr - account - environment - farm - farmrole - role - server type: string type: description: The type of Global Variable. enum: - GlobalVariableJson - GlobalVariableString - GlobalVariableList - GlobalVariableRemoteList type: string value: description: The value declared in the current scope for this Global Variable. If it is null, the value will be inherited from higher scopes. This field is ignored if `declaredIn` is not the current scope. type: string required: - name - type - allowedValues x-abstractType: $ref: '#/definitions/GlobalVariable' x-createOnly: - name x-discriminator: type GlobalVariableListResponse: properties: data: items: $ref: '#/definitions/GlobalVariable' readOnly: true type: array errors: items: $ref: '#/definitions/ApiMessage' readOnly: true type: array meta: $ref: '#/definitions/ApiMetaContainer' readOnly: true pagination: $ref: '#/definitions/ApiPagination' readOnly: true warnings: items: $ref: '#/definitions/ApiMessage' readOnly: true type: array x-derived: $ref: '#/definitions/GlobalVariable' x-usedIn: - /global/global-variables/ - /global/roles/{roleId}/global-variables/ GlobalVariableRemoteList: properties: category: description: The category of this Global Variable. type: string computedValue: description: The value computed by Scalr for this Global Variable. readOnly: true type: string declaredIn: description: The Scope in which this Global Variable is declared. enum: - scalr - account - environment - farm - farmrole - role - server readOnly: true type: string definedIn: description: The Scope in which this Global Variable is given a value. enum: - scalr - account - environment - farm - farmrole - role - server readOnly: true type: string description: description: A description that explains what this Global Variable is used for. type: string hidden: description: Whether this Global Variable is hidden in inner scopes. This is read-only if `declaredIn` is not the current scope. type: boolean integrationEndpoint: $ref: '#/definitions/WebhookEndpointForeignKey' locked: description: Whether this Global Variable is locked in inner scopes. This is read-only if `declaredIn` is not the current scope. type: boolean name: type: string requiredIn: description: The scope where this Global Variable is required. This is read-only if `declaredIn` is not the current scope. enum: - scalr - account - environment - farm - farmrole - role - server type: string type: description: The type of Global Variable. enum: - GlobalVariableJson - GlobalVariableString - GlobalVariableList - GlobalVariableRemoteList type: string value: description: The value declared in the current scope for this Global Variable. If it is null, the value will be inherited from higher scopes. This field is ignored if `declaredIn` is not the current scope. type: string required: - name - type - integrationEndpoint x-abstractType: $ref: '#/definitions/GlobalVariable' x-createOnly: - name x-discriminator: type GlobalVariableString: properties: category: description: The category of this Global Variable. type: string computedValue: description: The value computed by Scalr for this Global Variable. readOnly: true type: string declaredIn: description: The Scope in which this Global Variable is declared. enum: - scalr - account - environment - farm - farmrole - role - server readOnly: true type: string definedIn: description: The Scope in which this Global Variable is given a value. enum: - scalr - account - environment - farm - farmrole - role - server readOnly: true type: string description: description: A description that explains what this Global Variable is used for. type: string hidden: description: Whether this Global Variable is hidden in inner scopes. This is read-only if `declaredIn` is not the current scope. type: boolean locked: description: Whether this Global Variable is locked in inner scopes. This is read-only if `declaredIn` is not the current scope. type: boolean name: type: string outputFormat: description: The formatting to apply when displaying this variable. This is read-only if `declaredIn` is not the current scope. type: string requiredIn: description: The scope where this Global Variable is required. This is read-only if `declaredIn` is not the current scope. enum: - scalr - account - environment - farm - farmrole - role - server type: string type: description: The type of Global Variable. enum: - GlobalVariableJson - GlobalVariableString - GlobalVariableList - GlobalVariableRemoteList type: string validationPattern: type: string value: description: The value declared in the current scope for this Global Variable. If it is null, the value will be inherited from higher scopes. This field is ignored if `declaredIn` is not the current scope. type: string required: - name - type x-abstractType: $ref: '#/definitions/GlobalVariable' x-createOnly: - name x-discriminator: type Image: properties: added: description: Date and time at which this Image was created. format: date-time readOnly: true type: string architecture: enum: - i386 - x86_64 type: string cloudFeatures: $ref: '#/definitions/ImageCloudFeatures' cloudImageId: type: string cloudInitInstalled: description: Whether cloud-init is installed on this Image. type: boolean cloudLocation: description: 'Cloud Location, inside a given Cloud Platform, for this resource. May be null if this resource does not have a specific location. Note: if you would like to filter on this property, you **must** also filter on `cloudPlatform`.' type: string cloudPlatform: description: The Cloud Platform this resource resides in. enum: - ec2 - gce - azure - cloudstack - idcf - openstack - ocs - otc - rackspacenguk - rackspacengus - hpcloud - mirantis - vio - cisco - vmware type: string deprecated: description: Whether this Image is deprecated. type: boolean id: maxLength: 36 minLength: 36 pattern: '[A-Fa-f0-9]{8}-([A-Fa-f0-9]{4}-){3}[A-Fa-f0-9]{12}' readOnly: true type: string lastUsed: description: Date and time at which this Image was last used. format: date-time readOnly: true type: string name: type: string os: $ref: '#/definitions/OsForeignKey' scalrAgentInstalled: description: Whether Scalr Agent is installed on this Image. type: boolean scope: enum: - scalr - account - environment - farm - farmrole - role - server readOnly: true type: string size: description: Size of the image in GB. This property is read-only at the Environment scope. type: integer source: description: Indicates how this Image was created. enum: - Manual - BundleTask readOnly: true type: string status: description: Current status for this Image. `failed` means that the deletion failed. enum: - active - pending_delete - failed readOnly: true type: string statusError: description: If the Image is in a failed state, this indicates why. readOnly: true type: string type: description: (Only used on EC2 currently) Whether this Image is HVM or EBS. At the Environment scope this property is read-only. Property is deprecated and will be removed soon. Use 'cloudFeatures' instead. type: string required: - name - cloudPlatform - cloudImageId - architecture - os x-createOnly: - cloudImageId - size - type - scalrAgentInstalled - cloudInitInstalled - cloudLocation - cloudPlatform - os - architecture - cloudFeatures x-filterable: - id - name - scope - cloudPlatform - cloudLocation - cloudImageId - architecture - source - status - deprecated - os - scalrAgentInstalled - cloudInitInstalled x-usedIn: - /global/roles/{roleId}/images/{imageId}/ - /global/roles/{roleId}/images/{imageId}/actions/replace/ - /global/images/ - /global/images/{imageId}/ - /global/images/{imageId}/actions/copy/ - /global/images/{imageId}/actions/replace/ ImageCloudFeatures: description: Cloud specifics Image configuration. discriminator: type properties: type: enum: - AwsImageCloudFeatures - VmwareImageCloudFeatures - OpenstackImageCloudFeatures type: string required: - type x-concreteTypes: - $ref: '#/definitions/AwsImageCloudFeatures' - $ref: '#/definitions/VmwareImageCloudFeatures' - $ref: '#/definitions/OpenstackImageCloudFeatures' ImageDetailsResponse: properties: data: $ref: '#/definitions/Image' readOnly: true errors: items: $ref: '#/definitions/ApiMessage' readOnly: true type: array meta: $ref: '#/definitions/ApiMetaContainer' readOnly: true warnings: items: $ref: '#/definitions/ApiMessage' readOnly: true type: array x-derived: $ref: '#/definitions/Image' x-usedIn: - /global/roles/{roleId}/images/{imageId}/ - /global/images/ - /global/images/{imageId}/ - /global/images/{imageId}/actions/copy/ ImageForeignKey: properties: id: type: string required: - id x-derived: $ref: '#/definitions/Image' x-references: $ref: '#/definitions/Image' ImageListResponse: properties: data: items: $ref: '#/definitions/Image' readOnly: true type: array errors: items: $ref: '#/definitions/ApiMessage' readOnly: true type: array meta: $ref: '#/definitions/ApiMetaContainer' readOnly: true pagination: $ref: '#/definitions/ApiPagination' readOnly: true warnings: items: $ref: '#/definitions/ApiMessage' readOnly: true type: array x-derived: $ref: '#/definitions/Image' x-usedIn: - /global/images/ JobTemplateIdentity: properties: id: description: The Ansible Tower Job template identifier. type: integer name: description: The Ansible Tower Job template name. type: string scmBranch: description: The Ansible Tower Job template SCM Branch. type: string LocalScriptAction: properties: actionType: enum: - ScalrScriptAction - RemoteScriptAction - ChefAction - LocalScriptAction - AnsibleTowerAction type: string path: description: Path to the script to execute. type: string required: - actionType - path x-abstractType: $ref: '#/definitions/Action' x-discriminator: actionType OpenstackCloudCredentials: properties: cloudCredentialsType: description: The Cloud Platform these credentials allow access to. enum: - AwsCloudCredentials - GceCloudCredentials - AzureCloudCredentials - CloudstackCloudCredentials - OpenstackCloudCredentials - RackspaceCloudCredentials - VmwareCloudCredentials type: string description: type: string domainName: description: Domain name. It must be provided for the Identity API v3. type: string id: description: Unique identifier for this Cloud Credentials object. maxLength: 12 minLength: 12 pattern: '[A-Fa-f0-9]+' readOnly: true type: string keystoneUrl: description: Keystone URL. type: string name: description: Unique name of these Cloud Credentials. type: string password: description: The password for the user. format: password type: string provider: description: Cloud provider that should be specified for OpenStack based clouds. enum: - openstack - ocs - hpcloud - mirantis - vio - cisco type: string scope: description: The scope in which these Cloud Credentials were added. enum: - scalr - account - environment - farm - farmrole - role - server readOnly: true type: string sslVerification: description: Specifies whether it should verify SSL Certificate. type: boolean status: description: The status of these Cloud Credentials. enum: - disabled - enabled - suspended readOnly: true type: string tenantName: description: The tenant name. type: string userName: description: The user name. type: string required: - name - cloudCredentialsType - provider - keystoneUrl - userName - password - tenantName x-abstractType: $ref: '#/definitions/CloudCredentials' x-createOnly: - cloudCredentialsType - provider - provider x-discriminator: cloudCredentialsType x-filterable: - id - name - cloudCredentialsType - status - scope - provider OpenstackImageCloudFeatures: description: Cloud specifics Image configuration. properties: sourceType: default: image description: The Openstack image source type. Set shapshot for image based on volume shapshot. enum: - image - snapshot type: string type: enum: - AwsImageCloudFeatures - VmwareImageCloudFeatures - OpenstackImageCloudFeatures type: string required: - type x-abstractType: $ref: '#/definitions/ImageCloudFeatures' x-discriminator: type OrchestrationRule: properties: action: $ref: '#/definitions/Action' description: Orchestration Rule action that will be executed on the target servers. blocking: description: Whether this Orchestration Rule's execution should delay the execution of further Orchestration Rules and the triggering of further Events. Defaults to the action's default when null. type: boolean enabled: default: true description: If Orchestration Rule is not enabled this Rule won't be triggered. type: boolean id: description: Unique identifier for an Orchestration Rule. maxLength: 36 minLength: 36 pattern: '[A-Fa-f0-9]{8}-([A-Fa-f0-9]{4}-){3}[A-Fa-f0-9]{12}' readOnly: true type: string order: description: The priority of this Orchestration Rule relative to other Orchestration Rules that use the same triggeringEvent. Default is relative to existing Rules. type: integer runAs: description: User the Orchestration Rule should execute as. Defaults to root / Administrator when null. type: string scope: enum: - scalr - account - environment - farm - farmrole - role - server readOnly: true type: string target: $ref: '#/definitions/Target' description: The set of Servers where the Orchestration Rules Action will be executed. timeout: description: The time Scalr should wait for before aborting the execution of this Orchestration Rule, in seconds. Defaults to the action's default when null. type: integer trigger: $ref: '#/definitions/Trigger' description: Orchestration Rule trigger. required: - trigger - action - target x-filterable: - id - blocking - order - runAs x-usedIn: - /global/roles/{roleId}/orchestration-rules/ - /global/roles/{roleId}/orchestration-rules/{orchestrationRuleId}/ OrchestrationRuleCondition: discriminator: type properties: type: description: Orchestration rule condition type. Selected only those servers that match conditions. enum: - FarmRolesCondition - OsCondition - TagsCondition type: string required: - type x-concreteTypes: - $ref: '#/definitions/FarmRolesCondition' - $ref: '#/definitions/OsCondition' - $ref: '#/definitions/TagsCondition' OrchestrationRuleDetailsResponse: properties: data: $ref: '#/definitions/OrchestrationRule' readOnly: true errors: items: $ref: '#/definitions/ApiMessage' readOnly: true type: array meta: $ref: '#/definitions/ApiMetaContainer' readOnly: true warnings: items: $ref: '#/definitions/ApiMessage' readOnly: true type: array x-derived: $ref: '#/definitions/OrchestrationRule' x-usedIn: - /global/roles/{roleId}/orchestration-rules/ - /global/roles/{roleId}/orchestration-rules/{orchestrationRuleId}/ OrchestrationRuleListResponse: properties: data: items: $ref: '#/definitions/OrchestrationRule' readOnly: true type: array errors: items: $ref: '#/definitions/ApiMessage' readOnly: true type: array meta: $ref: '#/definitions/ApiMetaContainer' readOnly: true pagination: $ref: '#/definitions/ApiPagination' readOnly: true warnings: items: $ref: '#/definitions/ApiMessage' readOnly: true type: array x-derived: $ref: '#/definitions/OrchestrationRule' x-usedIn: - /global/roles/{roleId}/orchestration-rules/ Os: properties: family: description: OS family. type: string generation: type: string id: description: An ID uniquely identifying this OS in Scalr. pattern: '[A-Za-z0-9-]+' type: string name: description: A human-readable name for this OS. type: string version: type: string required: - id - name - family - generation - version x-filterable: - id - name - family - generation x-usedIn: - /global/os/{osId}/ OsCondition: properties: osType: description: OS family or type. type: string type: description: Orchestration rule condition type. Selected only those servers that match conditions. enum: - FarmRolesCondition - OsCondition - TagsCondition type: string required: - type - osType x-abstractType: $ref: '#/definitions/OrchestrationRuleCondition' x-discriminator: type OsDetailsResponse: properties: data: $ref: '#/definitions/Os' readOnly: true errors: items: $ref: '#/definitions/ApiMessage' readOnly: true type: array meta: $ref: '#/definitions/ApiMetaContainer' readOnly: true warnings: items: $ref: '#/definitions/ApiMessage' readOnly: true type: array x-derived: $ref: '#/definitions/Os' x-usedIn: - /global/os/{osId}/ OsForeignKey: properties: id: description: An ID uniquely identifying this OS in Scalr. type: string required: - id x-derived: $ref: '#/definitions/Os' x-references: $ref: '#/definitions/Os' OsListResponse: properties: data: items: $ref: '#/definitions/Os' readOnly: true type: array errors: items: $ref: '#/definitions/ApiMessage' readOnly: true type: array meta: $ref: '#/definitions/ApiMetaContainer' readOnly: true pagination: $ref: '#/definitions/ApiPagination' readOnly: true warnings: items: $ref: '#/definitions/ApiMessage' readOnly: true type: array x-derived: $ref: '#/definitions/Os' x-usedIn: - /global/os/ ProjectDetailsResponse: properties: data: $ref: '#/definitions/Project' readOnly: true errors: items: $ref: '#/definitions/ApiMessage' readOnly: true type: array meta: $ref: '#/definitions/ApiMetaContainer' readOnly: true warnings: items: $ref: '#/definitions/ApiMessage' readOnly: true type: array x-derived: $ref: '#/definitions/Project' x-usedIn: - /global/projects/ - /global/projects/{projectId}/ RackspaceCloudCredentials: properties: apiKey: description: The API access key. type: string cloudCredentialsType: description: The Cloud Platform these credentials allow access to. enum: - AwsCloudCredentials - GceCloudCredentials - AzureCloudCredentials - CloudstackCloudCredentials - OpenstackCloudCredentials - RackspaceCloudCredentials - VmwareCloudCredentials type: string description: type: string id: description: Unique identifier for this Cloud Credentials object. maxLength: 12 minLength: 12 pattern: '[A-Fa-f0-9]+' readOnly: true type: string isUk: description: Indicates if these credentials are for Rackspace UK (true) or Rackspace US (false). type: boolean name: description: Unique name of these Cloud Credentials. type: string provider: description: Cloud provider for Openstack or Cloudstack based clouds. type: string scope: description: The scope in which these Cloud Credentials were added. enum: - scalr - account - environment - farm - farmrole - role - server readOnly: true type: string status: description: The status of these Cloud Credentials. enum: - disabled - enabled - suspended readOnly: true type: string userName: description: The user name. type: string required: - name - cloudCredentialsType - userName - apiKey x-abstractType: $ref: '#/definitions/CloudCredentials' x-createOnly: - cloudCredentialsType - provider - isUk x-discriminator: cloudCredentialsType x-filterable: - id - name - cloudCredentialsType - status - scope - provider RemoteScriptAction: properties: actionType: enum: - ScalrScriptAction - RemoteScriptAction - ChefAction - LocalScriptAction - AnsibleTowerAction type: string path: description: Path or URL to the script to execute. type: string required: - actionType - path x-abstractType: $ref: '#/definitions/Action' x-discriminator: actionType Role: properties: builtinAutomation: items: enum: - base - chef - mysql - percona - postgresql - redis - apache - nginx - tomcat - haproxy - rabbitmq - memcached type: string type: array category: $ref: '#/definitions/RoleCategoryForeignKey' deprecated: $ref: '#/definitions/RoleDeprecatedOptions' description: The deprecation options associated with this Role. readOnly: true description: type: string id: readOnly: true type: integer name: type: string os: $ref: '#/definitions/OsForeignKey' quickStart: description: Whether this Role is a QuickStart Role. type: boolean quickStartGroup: description: The name of the QuickStart Group. type: string scope: enum: - scalr - account - environment - farm - farmrole - role - server readOnly: true type: string tags: description: The list of tags that should be applied to the Role. items: type: string type: array useScalrAgent: description: Whether this Role uses Scalarizr, the Scalr agent. type: boolean required: - name - category - os x-createOnly: - useScalrAgent - builtinAutomation - os x-filterable: - id - name - os - category - scope - quickStart - quickStartGroup - useScalrAgent - builtinAutomation x-usedIn: - /global/roles/ - /global/roles/{roleId}/ - /global/roles/{roleId}/actions/deprecate/ - /global/roles/{roleId}/images/ - /global/roles/{roleId}/images/{imageId}/ - /global/roles/{roleId}/images/{imageId}/actions/replace/ - /global/roles/{roleId}/global-variables/ - /global/roles/{roleId}/global-variables/{globalVariableName}/ - /global/roles/{roleId}/orchestration-rules/ - /global/roles/{roleId}/orchestration-rules/{orchestrationRuleId}/ RoleCategory: properties: id: description: Identifier of the Role Category. readOnly: true type: integer name: description: The name of the Role Category. type: string scope: description: The Scope in which this Role Category is defined. enum: - scalr - account - environment - farm - farmrole - role - server readOnly: true type: string required: - name x-filterable: - id - name - scope x-usedIn: - /global/role-categories/ - /global/role-categories/{roleCategoryId}/ RoleCategoryDetailsResponse: properties: data: $ref: '#/definitions/RoleCategory' readOnly: true errors: items: $ref: '#/definitions/ApiMessage' readOnly: true type: array meta: $ref: '#/definitions/ApiMetaContainer' readOnly: true warnings: items: $ref: '#/definitions/ApiMessage' readOnly: true type: array x-derived: $ref: '#/definitions/RoleCategory' x-usedIn: - /global/role-categories/ - /global/role-categories/{roleCategoryId}/ RoleCategoryForeignKey: properties: id: description: Identifier of the Role Category. type: integer required: - id x-derived: $ref: '#/definitions/RoleCategory' x-references: $ref: '#/definitions/RoleCategory' RoleCategoryListResponse: properties: data: items: $ref: '#/definitions/RoleCategory' readOnly: true type: array errors: items: $ref: '#/definitions/ApiMessage' readOnly: true type: array meta: $ref: '#/definitions/ApiMetaContainer' readOnly: true pagination: $ref: '#/definitions/ApiPagination' readOnly: true warnings: items: $ref: '#/definitions/ApiMessage' readOnly: true type: array x-derived: $ref: '#/definitions/RoleCategory' x-usedIn: - /global/role-categories/ RoleDeprecatedOptions: properties: deprecated: description: The timestamp at which this Role was deprecated. format: date-time readOnly: true type: string replacement: $ref: '#/definitions/RoleForeignKey' description: The suggested replacement Role foreign key for the current Role. readOnly: true RoleDetailsResponse: properties: data: $ref: '#/definitions/Role' readOnly: true errors: items: $ref: '#/definitions/ApiMessage' readOnly: true type: array meta: $ref: '#/definitions/ApiMetaContainer' readOnly: true warnings: items: $ref: '#/definitions/ApiMessage' readOnly: true type: array x-derived: $ref: '#/definitions/Role' x-usedIn: - /global/roles/ - /global/roles/{roleId}/ - /global/roles/{roleId}/actions/deprecate/ RoleForeignKey: properties: id: type: integer required: - id x-derived: $ref: '#/definitions/Role' x-references: $ref: '#/definitions/Role' RoleImage: description: A Representation of a Role Image. Note that the `role` property is optional when POST-ing to a URL that already includes `{roleId}`. properties: image: $ref: '#/definitions/ImageForeignKey' role: $ref: '#/definitions/RoleForeignKey' required: - role - image x-filterable: - role - image x-usedIn: - /global/roles/{roleId}/images/ - /global/roles/{roleId}/images/{imageId}/actions/replace/ RoleImageDetailsResponse: properties: data: $ref: '#/definitions/RoleImage' readOnly: true errors: items: $ref: '#/definitions/ApiMessage' readOnly: true type: array meta: $ref: '#/definitions/ApiMetaContainer' readOnly: true warnings: items: $ref: '#/definitions/ApiMessage' readOnly: true type: array x-derived: $ref: '#/definitions/RoleImage' x-usedIn: - /global/roles/{roleId}/images/ - /global/roles/{roleId}/images/{imageId}/actions/replace/ RoleImageListResponse: properties: data: items: $ref: '#/definitions/RoleImage' readOnly: true type: array errors: items: $ref: '#/definitions/ApiMessage' readOnly: true type: array meta: $ref: '#/definitions/ApiMetaContainer' readOnly: true pagination: $ref: '#/definitions/ApiPagination' readOnly: true warnings: items: $ref: '#/definitions/ApiMessage' readOnly: true type: array x-derived: $ref: '#/definitions/RoleImage' x-usedIn: - /global/roles/{roleId}/images/ RoleListResponse: properties: data: items: $ref: '#/definitions/Role' readOnly: true type: array errors: items: $ref: '#/definitions/ApiMessage' readOnly: true type: array meta: $ref: '#/definitions/ApiMetaContainer' readOnly: true pagination: $ref: '#/definitions/ApiPagination' readOnly: true warnings: items: $ref: '#/definitions/ApiMessage' readOnly: true type: array x-derived: $ref: '#/definitions/Role' x-usedIn: - /global/roles/ RoleScopeIdentity: description: The Role Scope identity relation. properties: accountId: description: Account identifier. readOnly: true type: integer envId: description: Environment identifier. readOnly: true type: integer id: description: Identifier of the Role. readOnly: true type: integer scope: enum: - scalr - account - environment - farm - farmrole - role - server readOnly: true type: string RoleScopeIdentityListResponse: properties: data: items: $ref: '#/definitions/RoleScopeIdentity' readOnly: true type: array errors: items: $ref: '#/definitions/ApiMessage' readOnly: true type: array meta: $ref: '#/definitions/ApiMetaContainer' readOnly: true pagination: $ref: '#/definitions/ApiPagination' readOnly: true warnings: items: $ref: '#/definitions/ApiMessage' readOnly: true type: array x-derived: $ref: '#/definitions/RoleScopeIdentity' x-usedIn: - /global/images/{imageId}/actions/replace/ ScalrScriptAction: properties: actionType: enum: - ScalrScriptAction - RemoteScriptAction - ChefAction - LocalScriptAction - AnsibleTowerAction type: string scriptVersion: $ref: '#/definitions/ScriptVersionIdentity' description: ScriptVersion to execute. required: - actionType - scriptVersion x-abstractType: $ref: '#/definitions/Action' x-discriminator: actionType ScopeIdentity: properties: accountId: description: Account identifier. readOnly: true type: integer envId: description: Environment identifier. readOnly: true type: integer scope: enum: - scalr - account - environment - farm - farmrole - role - server readOnly: true type: string Script: properties: added: format: date-time readOnly: true type: string blockingDefault: description: Whether this Script is blocking by default. This can be overridden in the Orchestration Rules that use this Script. type: boolean deprecated: default: false description: Whether the Script is deprecated. type: boolean description: type: string id: readOnly: true type: integer lastChanged: format: date-time readOnly: true type: string name: description: The name of the Script. type: string osType: description: Type of OS this Script should execute on. This will influence Orchestration Rules, and will impact the validation rules applied to the ScriptVersions. enum: - linux - windows - cross-platform type: string requireAdminPrivileges: default: false description: Whether the Script requires root/Administrator privileges to be executed. type: boolean scope: enum: - scalr - account - environment - farm - farmrole - role - server readOnly: true type: string tags: description: The list of tags that should be applied to the Script. items: type: string type: array timeoutDefault: description: The time after which Scalr will abort the execution of this Script, in seconds. This can be overridden in the Orchestration Rules that use this Script. type: integer required: - name - osType x-createOnly: - osType x-filterable: - id - name - osType - blockingDefault - scope - deprecated - requireAdminPrivileges ScriptForeignKey: properties: id: type: integer required: - id x-derived: $ref: '#/definitions/Script' x-references: $ref: '#/definitions/Script' ScriptIdentity: properties: id: type: integer name: description: The name of the Script. type: string required: - id x-derived: $ref: '#/definitions/Script' x-references: $ref: '#/definitions/Script' ScriptVariableValue: properties: name: description: The Variable name. type: string value: description: The redefined value declared in the Script level. type: string required: - name ScriptVersion: properties: added: format: date-time readOnly: true type: string body: description: The content of this ScriptVersion. This content will be validated according to the Script's OS Type. type: string script: $ref: '#/definitions/ScriptForeignKey' description: The Script this ScriptVersion is a version of. version: description: The Script version. null is interpreted as the latest/default Version. readOnly: true type: string required: - script - body x-createOnly: - script x-filterable: - script ScriptVersionForeignKey: properties: script: $ref: '#/definitions/ScriptForeignKey' description: The Script this ScriptVersion is a version of. version: description: The Script version. null is interpreted as the latest/default Version. type: string required: - script ScriptVersionIdentity: properties: script: $ref: '#/definitions/ScriptIdentity' variables: description: The list of redefined script variables for the current script. items: $ref: '#/definitions/ScriptVariableValue' type: array version: description: The Script version. null is interpreted as the latest/default Version. type: string SpecificEventTrigger: description: Triggers when a specific Event fires. properties: event: $ref: '#/definitions/EventForeignKey' triggerType: enum: - AllEventsTrigger - SpecificEventTrigger type: string required: - triggerType - event x-abstractType: $ref: '#/definitions/Trigger' x-discriminator: triggerType TagsCondition: properties: tags: description: Selects all the Servers that belong to the Role with at least one tag from this list. items: type: string type: array type: description: Orchestration rule condition type. Selected only those servers that match conditions. enum: - FarmRolesCondition - OsCondition - TagsCondition type: string required: - type - tags x-abstractType: $ref: '#/definitions/OrchestrationRuleCondition' x-discriminator: type Target: discriminator: targetType properties: targetType: enum: - TriggeringServerTarget - TriggeringFarmRoleTarget - FarmTarget type: string required: - targetType x-concreteTypes: - $ref: '#/definitions/TriggeringServerTarget' - $ref: '#/definitions/TriggeringFarmRoleTarget' - $ref: '#/definitions/FarmTarget' Trigger: discriminator: triggerType properties: triggerType: enum: - AllEventsTrigger - SpecificEventTrigger type: string required: - triggerType x-concreteTypes: - $ref: '#/definitions/AllEventsTrigger' - $ref: '#/definitions/SpecificEventTrigger' TriggeringFarmRoleTarget: description: Selects all the Servers that belong to the same Farm Role as the Server that triggered the Event. properties: targetType: enum: - TriggeringServerTarget - TriggeringFarmRoleTarget - FarmTarget type: string required: - targetType x-abstractType: $ref: '#/definitions/Target' x-discriminator: targetType TriggeringServerTarget: description: Select only the Server that triggered the Event. properties: conditions: description: 'Triggering servers conditions. ' items: $ref: '#/definitions/OrchestrationRuleCondition' type: array targetType: enum: - TriggeringServerTarget - TriggeringFarmRoleTarget - FarmTarget type: string required: - targetType x-abstractType: $ref: '#/definitions/Target' x-discriminator: targetType UserSummary: properties: email: description: Email of the User. format: email readOnly: true type: string fullname: description: The full name of the User. type: string id: description: Unique identifier of the User. type: integer status: description: User status. enum: - active - pending - inactive readOnly: true type: string username: description: Unique user login identifier. type: string required: - id - username x-filterable: - id - email UserSummaryListResponse: properties: data: items: $ref: '#/definitions/UserSummary' readOnly: true type: array errors: items: $ref: '#/definitions/ApiMessage' readOnly: true type: array meta: $ref: '#/definitions/ApiMetaContainer' readOnly: true pagination: $ref: '#/definitions/ApiPagination' readOnly: true warnings: items: $ref: '#/definitions/ApiMessage' readOnly: true type: array x-derived: $ref: '#/definitions/UserSummary' x-usedIn: - /global/users/ VariableAllowedValue: properties: label: description: The Global Variable Value label type: string value: description: The Global Variable value type: string required: - value VmwareCloudCredentials: properties: cloudCredentialsType: description: The Cloud Platform these credentials allow access to. enum: - AwsCloudCredentials - GceCloudCredentials - AzureCloudCredentials - CloudstackCloudCredentials - OpenstackCloudCredentials - RackspaceCloudCredentials - VmwareCloudCredentials type: string description: type: string id: description: Unique identifier for this Cloud Credentials object. maxLength: 12 minLength: 12 pattern: '[A-Fa-f0-9]+' readOnly: true type: string name: description: Unique name of these Cloud Credentials. type: string password: description: The password for the user. format: password type: string provider: description: Cloud provider for Openstack or Cloudstack based clouds. type: string scope: description: The scope in which these Cloud Credentials were added. enum: - scalr - account - environment - farm - farmrole - role - server readOnly: true type: string sslVerification: description: Specifies whether it should verify SSL Certificate. type: boolean status: description: The status of these Cloud Credentials. enum: - disabled - enabled - suspended readOnly: true type: string url: description: vSphere Web Services SDK Server URL. type: string userName: description: The ID of the user. type: string required: - name - cloudCredentialsType - url - userName - password x-abstractType: $ref: '#/definitions/CloudCredentials' x-createOnly: - cloudCredentialsType - provider x-discriminator: cloudCredentialsType x-filterable: - id - name - cloudCredentialsType - status - scope - provider VmwareImageCloudFeatures: description: Cloud specifics Image configuration. properties: type: enum: - AwsImageCloudFeatures - VmwareImageCloudFeatures - OpenstackImageCloudFeatures type: string vCenterHost: description: The vCenter host where the current Image exists. At the Environment scope this property is read-only. type: string required: - type x-abstractType: $ref: '#/definitions/ImageCloudFeatures' x-discriminator: type WebhookEndpointForeignKey: properties: id: description: Webhook endpoint identifier. type: string required: - id x-derived: $ref: '#/definitions/WebhookEndpoint' x-references: $ref: '#/definitions/WebhookEndpoint' info: description: Manage Roles, Images and etc. title: Scalr Global API version: 1.0.0 paths: /ansible-tower/configurations/: get: description: List all Ansible Tower Configurations in the global scope. responses: 200: description: A list of AnsibleTowerConfiguration objects. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/AnsibleTowerConfigurationListResponse' 400: description: A client-side error was made. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ApiErrorResponse' x-errorCodes: - description: The request was structurally incorrect, and was not understood by the API. name: InvalidStructure - description: The request was understood by the API, but included invalid data. name: InvalidValue - description: The request wasn't understood by the API. name: BadRequest 401: description: The request was not authenticated. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ApiErrorResponse' x-errorCodes: - description: The request was not properly authenticated. name: BadAuthentication 403: description: Insufficient permissions. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ApiErrorResponse' x-errorCodes: - description: This request should be made in a different Scope. name: ScopeViolation - description: You do not have the necessary permissions to perform this request. name: PermissionViolation - description: The maximum memory limit in GB has been reached. name: MemoryQuotaExceeded - description: The vCPUs limit has been reached. name: VcpusQuotaExceeded - description: The maximum number of the Servers that you can launch or resume has been reached. name: ServersQuotaExceeded - description: The maximum number of the Servers that you can launch or resume on current Farm has been reached. name: ServersPerFarmQuotaExceeded 404: description: Resource not found. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ApiErrorResponse' x-errorCodes: - description: This endpoint does not exist. name: EndpointNotFound noDoc: true - description: The object you are trying to access does not exist. name: ObjectNotFound 409: description: Conflict with current state. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ApiErrorResponse' x-errorCodes: - description: These changes aren't possible while this object is in use. name: ObjectInUse - description: These changes would violate a policy. name: PolicyViolation - description: These changes would violate a unicity constraint. name: UnicityViolation - description: Some of the objects being changed are locked and cannot be changed. name: Locked - description: This Cloud platform is not enabled. name: NotEnabledPlatform - description: The Operating System does not match. name: OperatingSystemMismatch 422: description: This request was well-formed but was rejected due to semantic errors. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ApiErrorResponse' x-errorCodes: - description: Some of the configuration settings cannot be applied because they conflict with the current state. name: ConfigurationMismatch 500: description: A server-side error occurred. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ApiErrorResponse' 501: description: This feature is not implemented in Scalr. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ApiErrorResponse' 503: description: The service is currently unavailable. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ApiErrorResponse' post: description: Add a new Ansible Tower Configuration in the global scope. parameters: - description: The JSON representation of a AnsibleTowerConfiguration object. in: body name: ansibleTowerConfigurationObject required: true schema: $ref: '#/definitions/AnsibleTowerConfiguration' responses: 201: description: The JSON representation of a AnsibleTowerConfiguration object. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/AnsibleTowerConfigurationDetailsResponse' 400: description: A client-side error was made. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ApiErrorResponse' x-errorCodes: - description: The request was structurally incorrect, and was not understood by the API. name: InvalidStructure - description: The request was understood by the API, but included invalid data. name: InvalidValue - description: The request wasn't understood by the API. name: BadRequest 401: description: The request was not authenticated. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ApiErrorResponse' x-errorCodes: - description: The request was not properly authenticated. name: BadAuthentication 403: description: Insufficient permissions. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ApiErrorResponse' x-errorCodes: - description: This request should be made in a different Scope. name: ScopeViolation - description: You do not have the necessary permissions to perform this request. name: PermissionViolation - description: The maximum memory limit in GB has been reached. name: MemoryQuotaExceeded - description: The vCPUs limit has been reached. name: VcpusQuotaExceeded - description: The maximum number of the Servers that you can launch or resume has been reached. name: ServersQuotaExceeded - description: The maximum number of the Servers that you can launch or resume on current Farm has been reached. name: ServersPerFarmQuotaExceeded 404: description: Resource not found. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ApiErrorResponse' x-errorCodes: - description: This endpoint does not exist. name: EndpointNotFound noDoc: true - description: The object you are trying to access does not exist. name: ObjectNotFound 409: description: Conflict with current state. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ApiErrorResponse' x-errorCodes: - description: These changes aren't possible while this object is in use. name: ObjectInUse - description: These changes would violate a policy. name: PolicyViolation - description: These changes would violate a unicity constraint. name: UnicityViolation - description: Some of the objects being changed are locked and cannot be changed. name: Locked - description: This Cloud platform is not enabled. name: NotEnabledPlatform - description: The Operating System does not match. name: OperatingSystemMismatch 422: description: This request was well-formed but was rejected due to semantic errors. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ApiErrorResponse' x-errorCodes: - description: Some of the configuration settings cannot be applied because they conflict with the current state. name: ConfigurationMismatch 500: description: A server-side error occurred. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ApiErrorResponse' 501: description: This feature is not implemented in Scalr. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ApiErrorResponse' 503: description: The service is currently unavailable. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ApiErrorResponse' /ansible-tower/configurations/{ansibleTowerConfigurationId}/: delete: description: Delete the Ansible Tower Configuration. responses: 204: description: Successful deletion. 400: description: A client-side error was made. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ApiErrorResponse' x-errorCodes: - description: The request was structurally incorrect, and was not understood by the API. name: InvalidStructure - description: The request was understood by the API, but included invalid data. name: InvalidValue - description: The request wasn't understood by the API. name: BadRequest 401: description: The request was not authenticated. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ApiErrorResponse' x-errorCodes: - description: The request was not properly authenticated. name: BadAuthentication 403: description: Insufficient permissions. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ApiErrorResponse' x-errorCodes: - description: This request should be made in a different Scope. name: ScopeViolation - description: You do not have the necessary permissions to perform this request. name: PermissionViolation - description: The maximum memory limit in GB has been reached. name: MemoryQuotaExceeded - description: The vCPUs limit has been reached. name: VcpusQuotaExceeded - description: The maximum number of the Servers that you can launch or resume has been reached. name: ServersQuotaExceeded - description: The maximum number of the Servers that you can launch or resume on current Farm has been reached. name: ServersPerFarmQuotaExceeded 404: description: Resource not found. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ApiErrorResponse' x-errorCodes: - description: This endpoint does not exist. name: EndpointNotFound noDoc: true - description: The object you are trying to access does not exist. name: ObjectNotFound 409: description: Conflict with current state. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ApiErrorResponse' x-errorCodes: - description: These changes aren't possible while this object is in use. name: ObjectInUse - description: These changes would violate a policy. name: PolicyViolation - description: These changes would violate a unicity constraint. name: UnicityViolation - description: Some of the objects being changed are locked and cannot be changed. name: Locked - description: This Cloud platform is not enabled. name: NotEnabledPlatform - description: The Operating System does not match. name: OperatingSystemMismatch 422: description: This request was well-formed but was rejected due to semantic errors. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ApiErrorResponse' x-errorCodes: - description: Some of the configuration settings cannot be applied because they conflict with the current state. name: ConfigurationMismatch 500: description: A server-side error occurred. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ApiErrorResponse' 501: description: This feature is not implemented in Scalr. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ApiErrorResponse' 503: description: The service is currently unavailable. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ApiErrorResponse' get: description: Retrieve detailed information about a given Ansible Tower Configuration. responses: 200: description: The JSON representation of a AnsibleTowerConfiguration object. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/AnsibleTowerConfigurationDetailsResponse' 400: description: A client-side error was made. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ApiErrorResponse' x-errorCodes: - description: The request was structurally incorrect, and was not understood by the API. name: InvalidStructure - description: The request was understood by the API, but included invalid data. name: InvalidValue - description: The request wasn't understood by the API. name: BadRequest 401: description: The request was not authenticated. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ApiErrorResponse' x-errorCodes: - description: The request was not properly authenticated. name: BadAuthentication 403: description: Insufficient permissions. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ApiErrorResponse' x-errorCodes: - description: This request should be made in a different Scope. name: ScopeViolation - description: You do not have the necessary permissions to perform this request. name: PermissionViolation - description: The maximum memory limit in GB has been reached. name: MemoryQuotaExceeded - description: The vCPUs limit has been reached. name: VcpusQuotaExceeded - description: The maximum number of the Servers that you can launch or resume has been reached. name: ServersQuotaExceeded - description: The maximum number of the Servers that you can launch or resume on current Farm has been reached. name: ServersPerFarmQuotaExceeded 404: description: Resource not found. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ApiErrorResponse' x-errorCodes: - description: This endpoint does not exist. name: EndpointNotFound noDoc: true - description: The object you are trying to access does not exist. name: ObjectNotFound 409: description: Conflict with current state. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ApiErrorResponse' x-errorCodes: - description: These changes aren't possible while this object is in use. name: ObjectInUse - description: These changes would violate a policy. name: PolicyViolation - description: These changes would violate a unicity constraint. name: UnicityViolation - description: Some of the objects being changed are locked and cannot be changed. name: Locked - description: This Cloud platform is not enabled. name: NotEnabledPlatform - description: The Operating System does not match. name: OperatingSystemMismatch 422: description: This request was well-formed but was rejected due to semantic errors. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ApiErrorResponse' x-errorCodes: - description: Some of the configuration settings cannot be applied because they conflict with the current state. name: ConfigurationMismatch 500: description: A server-side error occurred. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ApiErrorResponse' 501: description: This feature is not implemented in Scalr. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ApiErrorResponse' 503: description: The service is currently unavailable. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ApiErrorResponse' parameters: - description: The ID of a AnsibleTowerConfiguration object. in: path maxLength: 36 minLength: 36 name: ansibleTowerConfigurationId pattern: '[A-Fa-f0-9]{8}-([A-Fa-f0-9]{4}-){3}[A-Fa-f0-9]{12}' required: true type: string x-references: $ref: '#/definitions/AnsibleTowerConfiguration' patch: description: Modify the Ansible Tower Configuration. parameters: - description: The JSON representation of a AnsibleTowerConfiguration object. in: body name: ansibleTowerConfigurationObject required: true schema: $ref: '#/definitions/AnsibleTowerConfiguration' responses: 200: description: The JSON representation of a AnsibleTowerConfiguration object. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/AnsibleTowerConfigurationDetailsResponse' 400: description: A client-side error was made. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ApiErrorResponse' x-errorCodes: - description: The request was structurally incorrect, and was not understood by the API. name: InvalidStructure - description: The request was understood by the API, but included invalid data. name: InvalidValue - description: The request wasn't understood by the API. name: BadRequest 401: description: The request was not authenticated. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ApiErrorResponse' x-errorCodes: - description: The request was not properly authenticated. name: BadAuthentication 403: description: Insufficient permissions. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ApiErrorResponse' x-errorCodes: - description: This request should be made in a different Scope. name: ScopeViolation - description: You do not have the necessary permissions to perform this request. name: PermissionViolation - description: The maximum memory limit in GB has been reached. name: MemoryQuotaExceeded - description: The vCPUs limit has been reached. name: VcpusQuotaExceeded - description: The maximum number of the Servers that you can launch or resume has been reached. name: ServersQuotaExceeded - description: The maximum number of the Servers that you can launch or resume on current Farm has been reached. name: ServersPerFarmQuotaExceeded 404: description: Resource not found. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ApiErrorResponse' x-errorCodes: - description: This endpoint does not exist. name: EndpointNotFound noDoc: true - description: The object you are trying to access does not exist. name: ObjectNotFound 409: description: Conflict with current state. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ApiErrorResponse' x-errorCodes: - description: These changes aren't possible while this object is in use. name: ObjectInUse - description: These changes would violate a policy. name: PolicyViolation - description: These changes would violate a unicity constraint. name: UnicityViolation - description: Some of the objects being changed are locked and cannot be changed. name: Locked - description: This Cloud platform is not enabled. name: NotEnabledPlatform - description: The Operating System does not match. name: OperatingSystemMismatch 422: description: This request was well-formed but was rejected due to semantic errors. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ApiErrorResponse' x-errorCodes: - description: Some of the configuration settings cannot be applied because they conflict with the current state. name: ConfigurationMismatch 500: description: A server-side error occurred. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ApiErrorResponse' 501: description: This feature is not implemented in Scalr. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ApiErrorResponse' 503: description: The service is currently unavailable. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ApiErrorResponse' /ansible-tower/servers/: get: description: List all Ansible Tower Servers in the global scope. responses: 200: description: A list of AnsibleTowerServer objects. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/AnsibleTowerServerListResponse' 400: description: A client-side error was made. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ApiErrorResponse' x-errorCodes: - description: The request was structurally incorrect, and was not understood by the API. name: InvalidStructure - description: The request was understood by the API, but included invalid data. name: InvalidValue - description: The request wasn't understood by the API. name: BadRequest 401: description: The request was not authenticated. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ApiErrorResponse' x-errorCodes: - description: The request was not properly authenticated. name: BadAuthentication 403: description: Insufficient permissions. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ApiErrorResponse' x-errorCodes: - description: This request should be made in a different Scope. name: ScopeViolation - description: You do not have the necessary permissions to perform this request. name: PermissionViolation - description: The maximum memory limit in GB has been reached. name: MemoryQuotaExceeded - description: The vCPUs limit has been reached. name: VcpusQuotaExceeded - description: The maximum number of the Servers that you can launch or resume has been reached. name: ServersQuotaExceeded - description: The maximum number of the Servers that you can launch or resume on current Farm has been reached. name: ServersPerFarmQuotaExceeded 404: description: Resource not found. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ApiErrorResponse' x-errorCodes: - description: This endpoint does not exist. name: EndpointNotFound noDoc: true - description: The object you are trying to access does not exist. name: ObjectNotFound 409: description: Conflict with current state. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ApiErrorResponse' x-errorCodes: - description: These changes aren't possible while this object is in use. name: ObjectInUse - description: These changes would violate a policy. name: PolicyViolation - description: These changes would violate a unicity constraint. name: UnicityViolation - description: Some of the objects being changed are locked and cannot be changed. name: Locked - description: This Cloud platform is not enabled. name: NotEnabledPlatform - description: The Operating System does not match. name: OperatingSystemMismatch 422: description: This request was well-formed but was rejected due to semantic errors. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ApiErrorResponse' x-errorCodes: - description: Some of the configuration settings cannot be applied because they conflict with the current state. name: ConfigurationMismatch 500: description: A server-side error occurred. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ApiErrorResponse' 501: description: This feature is not implemented in Scalr. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ApiErrorResponse' 503: description: The service is currently unavailable. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ApiErrorResponse' /cloud-credentials/: get: description: List all Cloud Credentials available in the global scope. responses: 200: description: A list of CloudCredentialsSummary objects. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/CloudCredentialsSummaryListResponse' 400: description: A client-side error was made. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ApiErrorResponse' x-errorCodes: - description: The request was structurally incorrect, and was not understood by the API. name: InvalidStructure - description: The request was understood by the API, but included invalid data. name: InvalidValue - description: The request wasn't understood by the API. name: BadRequest 401: description: The request was not authenticated. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ApiErrorResponse' x-errorCodes: - description: The request was not properly authenticated. name: BadAuthentication 403: description: Insufficient permissions. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ApiErrorResponse' x-errorCodes: - description: This request should be made in a different Scope. name: ScopeViolation - description: You do not have the necessary permissions to perform this request. name: PermissionViolation - description: The maximum memory limit in GB has been reached. name: MemoryQuotaExceeded - description: The vCPUs limit has been reached. name: VcpusQuotaExceeded - description: The maximum number of the Servers that you can launch or resume has been reached. name: ServersQuotaExceeded - description: The maximum number of the Servers that you can launch or resume on current Farm has been reached. name: ServersPerFarmQuotaExceeded 404: description: Resource not found. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ApiErrorResponse' x-errorCodes: - description: This endpoint does not exist. name: EndpointNotFound noDoc: true - description: The object you are trying to access does not exist. name: ObjectNotFound 409: description: Conflict with current state. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ApiErrorResponse' x-errorCodes: - description: These changes aren't possible while this object is in use. name: ObjectInUse - description: These changes would violate a policy. name: PolicyViolation - description: These changes would violate a unicity constraint. name: UnicityViolation - description: Some of the objects being changed are locked and cannot be changed. name: Locked - description: This Cloud platform is not enabled. name: NotEnabledPlatform - description: The Operating System does not match. name: OperatingSystemMismatch 422: description: This request was well-formed but was rejected due to semantic errors. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ApiErrorResponse' x-errorCodes: - description: Some of the configuration settings cannot be applied because they conflict with the current state. name: ConfigurationMismatch 500: description: A server-side error occurred. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ApiErrorResponse' 501: description: This feature is not implemented in Scalr. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ApiErrorResponse' 503: description: The service is currently unavailable. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ApiErrorResponse' post: description: Create new Cloud Credentials. parameters: - description: The JSON representation of a CloudCredentials object. in: body name: cloudCredentialsObject required: true schema: $ref: '#/definitions/CloudCredentials' responses: 201: description: The JSON representation of a CloudCredentials object. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/CloudCredentialsDetailsResponse' 400: description: A client-side error was made. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ApiErrorResponse' x-errorCodes: - description: The request was structurally incorrect, and was not understood by the API. name: InvalidStructure - description: The request was understood by the API, but included invalid data. name: InvalidValue - description: The request wasn't understood by the API. name: BadRequest 401: description: The request was not authenticated. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ApiErrorResponse' x-errorCodes: - description: The request was not properly authenticated. name: BadAuthentication 403: description: Insufficient permissions. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ApiErrorResponse' x-errorCodes: - description: This request should be made in a different Scope. name: ScopeViolation - description: You do not have the necessary permissions to perform this request. name: PermissionViolation - description: The maximum memory limit in GB has been reached. name: MemoryQuotaExceeded - description: The vCPUs limit has been reached. name: VcpusQuotaExceeded - description: The maximum number of the Servers that you can launch or resume has been reached. name: ServersQuotaExceeded - description: The maximum number of the Servers that you can launch or resume on current Farm has been reached. name: ServersPerFarmQuotaExceeded 404: description: Resource not found. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ApiErrorResponse' x-errorCodes: - description: This endpoint does not exist. name: EndpointNotFound noDoc: true - description: The object you are trying to access does not exist. name: ObjectNotFound 409: description: Conflict with current state. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ApiErrorResponse' x-errorCodes: - description: These changes aren't possible while this object is in use. name: ObjectInUse - description: These changes would violate a policy. name: PolicyViolation - description: These changes would violate a unicity constraint. name: UnicityViolation - description: Some of the objects being changed are locked and cannot be changed. name: Locked - description: This Cloud platform is not enabled. name: NotEnabledPlatform - description: The Operating System does not match. name: OperatingSystemMismatch 422: description: This request was well-formed but was rejected due to semantic errors. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ApiErrorResponse' x-errorCodes: - description: Some of the configuration settings cannot be applied because they conflict with the current state. name: ConfigurationMismatch 500: description: A server-side error occurred. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ApiErrorResponse' 501: description: This feature is not implemented in Scalr. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ApiErrorResponse' 503: description: The service is currently unavailable. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ApiErrorResponse' /cloud-credentials/{cloudCredentialsId}/: delete: description: Delete the specified Cloud Credentials from global scope. responses: 204: description: Successful deletion. 400: description: A client-side error was made. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ApiErrorResponse' x-errorCodes: - description: The request was structurally incorrect, and was not understood by the API. name: InvalidStructure - description: The request was understood by the API, but included invalid data. name: InvalidValue - description: The request wasn't understood by the API. name: BadRequest 401: description: The request was not authenticated. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ApiErrorResponse' x-errorCodes: - description: The request was not properly authenticated. name: BadAuthentication 403: description: Insufficient permissions. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ApiErrorResponse' x-errorCodes: - description: This request should be made in a different Scope. name: ScopeViolation - description: You do not have the necessary permissions to perform this request. name: PermissionViolation - description: The maximum memory limit in GB has been reached. name: MemoryQuotaExceeded - description: The vCPUs limit has been reached. name: VcpusQuotaExceeded - description: The maximum number of the Servers that you can launch or resume has been reached. name: ServersQuotaExceeded - description: The maximum number of the Servers that you can launch or resume on current Farm has been reached. name: ServersPerFarmQuotaExceeded 404: description: Resource not found. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ApiErrorResponse' x-errorCodes: - description: This endpoint does not exist. name: EndpointNotFound noDoc: true - description: The object you are trying to access does not exist. name: ObjectNotFound 409: description: Conflict with current state. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ApiErrorResponse' x-errorCodes: - description: These changes aren't possible while this object is in use. name: ObjectInUse - description: These changes would violate a policy. name: PolicyViolation - description: These changes would violate a unicity constraint. name: UnicityViolation - description: Some of the objects being changed are locked and cannot be changed. name: Locked - description: This Cloud platform is not enabled. name: NotEnabledPlatform - description: The Operating System does not match. name: OperatingSystemMismatch 422: description: This request was well-formed but was rejected due to semantic errors. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ApiErrorResponse' x-errorCodes: - description: Some of the configuration settings cannot be applied because they conflict with the current state. name: ConfigurationMismatch 500: description: A server-side error occurred. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ApiErrorResponse' 501: description: This feature is not implemented in Scalr. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ApiErrorResponse' 503: description: The service is currently unavailable. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ApiErrorResponse' get: description: Retrieve detailed information about given Cloud Credentials. You can only obtain information about Cloud Credentials defined in the global scope. responses: 200: description: The JSON representation of a CloudCredentials object. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/CloudCredentialsDetailsResponse' 400: description: A client-side error was made. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ApiErrorResponse' x-errorCodes: - description: The request was structurally incorrect, and was not understood by the API. name: InvalidStructure - description: The request was understood by the API, but included invalid data. name: InvalidValue - description: The request wasn't understood by the API. name: BadRequest 401: description: The request was not authenticated. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ApiErrorResponse' x-errorCodes: - description: The request was not properly authenticated. name: BadAuthentication 403: description: Insufficient permissions. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ApiErrorResponse' x-errorCodes: - description: This request should be made in a different Scope. name: ScopeViolation - description: You do not have the necessary permissions to perform this request. name: PermissionViolation - description: The maximum memory limit in GB has been reached. name: MemoryQuotaExceeded - description: The vCPUs limit has been reached. name: VcpusQuotaExceeded - description: The maximum number of the Servers that you can launch or resume has been reached. name: ServersQuotaExceeded - description: The maximum number of the Servers that you can launch or resume on current Farm has been reached. name: ServersPerFarmQuotaExceeded 404: description: Resource not found. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ApiErrorResponse' x-errorCodes: - description: This endpoint does not exist. name: EndpointNotFound noDoc: true - description: The object you are trying to access does not exist. name: ObjectNotFound 409: description: Conflict with current state. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ApiErrorResponse' x-errorCodes: - description: These changes aren't possible while this object is in use. name: ObjectInUse - description: These changes would violate a policy. name: PolicyViolation - description: These changes would violate a unicity constraint. name: UnicityViolation - description: Some of the objects being changed are locked and cannot be changed. name: Locked - description: This Cloud platform is not enabled. name: NotEnabledPlatform - description: The Operating System does not match. name: OperatingSystemMismatch 422: description: This request was well-formed but was rejected due to semantic errors. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ApiErrorResponse' x-errorCodes: - description: Some of the configuration settings cannot be applied because they conflict with the current state. name: ConfigurationMismatch 500: description: A server-side error occurred. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ApiErrorResponse' 501: description: This feature is not implemented in Scalr. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ApiErrorResponse' 503: description: The service is currently unavailable. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ApiErrorResponse' parameters: - description: The ID of a CloudCredentials object. in: path maxLength: 12 minLength: 12 name: cloudCredentialsId pattern: '[A-Fa-f0-9]+' required: true type: string x-references: $ref: '#/definitions/CloudCredentials' patch: description: Modify the attributes of given Cloud Credentials. parameters: - description: The JSON representation of a CloudCredentials object. in: body name: cloudCredentialsObject required: true schema: $ref: '#/definitions/CloudCredentials' responses: 200: description: The JSON representation of a CloudCredentials object. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/CloudCredentialsDetailsResponse' 400: description: A client-side error was made. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ApiErrorResponse' x-errorCodes: - description: The request was structurally incorrect, and was not understood by the API. name: InvalidStructure - description: The request was understood by the API, but included invalid data. name: InvalidValue - description: The request wasn't understood by the API. name: BadRequest 401: description: The request was not authenticated. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ApiErrorResponse' x-errorCodes: - description: The request was not properly authenticated. name: BadAuthentication 403: description: Insufficient permissions. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ApiErrorResponse' x-errorCodes: - description: This request should be made in a different Scope. name: ScopeViolation - description: You do not have the necessary permissions to perform this request. name: PermissionViolation - description: The maximum memory limit in GB has been reached. name: MemoryQuotaExceeded - description: The vCPUs limit has been reached. name: VcpusQuotaExceeded - description: The maximum number of the Servers that you can launch or resume has been reached. name: ServersQuotaExceeded - description: The maximum number of the Servers that you can launch or resume on current Farm has been reached. name: ServersPerFarmQuotaExceeded 404: description: Resource not found. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ApiErrorResponse' x-errorCodes: - description: This endpoint does not exist. name: EndpointNotFound noDoc: true - description: The object you are trying to access does not exist. name: ObjectNotFound 409: description: Conflict with current state. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ApiErrorResponse' x-errorCodes: - description: These changes aren't possible while this object is in use. name: ObjectInUse - description: These changes would violate a policy. name: PolicyViolation - description: These changes would violate a unicity constraint. name: UnicityViolation - description: Some of the objects being changed are locked and cannot be changed. name: Locked - description: This Cloud platform is not enabled. name: NotEnabledPlatform - description: The Operating System does not match. name: OperatingSystemMismatch 422: description: This request was well-formed but was rejected due to semantic errors. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ApiErrorResponse' x-errorCodes: - description: Some of the configuration settings cannot be applied because they conflict with the current state. name: ConfigurationMismatch 500: description: A server-side error occurred. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ApiErrorResponse' 501: description: This feature is not implemented in Scalr. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ApiErrorResponse' 503: description: The service is currently unavailable. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ApiErrorResponse' /global-variables/: get: description: List Global Variables declared in global scope. responses: 200: description: A list of GlobalVariable objects. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/GlobalVariableListResponse' 400: description: A client-side error was made. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ApiErrorResponse' x-errorCodes: - description: The request was structurally incorrect, and was not understood by the API. name: InvalidStructure - description: The request was understood by the API, but included invalid data. name: InvalidValue - description: The request wasn't understood by the API. name: BadRequest 401: description: The request was not authenticated. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ApiErrorResponse' x-errorCodes: - description: The request was not properly authenticated. name: BadAuthentication 403: description: Insufficient permissions. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ApiErrorResponse' x-errorCodes: - description: This request should be made in a different Scope. name: ScopeViolation - description: You do not have the necessary permissions to perform this request. name: PermissionViolation - description: The maximum memory limit in GB has been reached. name: MemoryQuotaExceeded - description: The vCPUs limit has been reached. name: VcpusQuotaExceeded - description: The maximum number of the Servers that you can launch or resume has been reached. name: ServersQuotaExceeded - description: The maximum number of the Servers that you can launch or resume on current Farm has been reached. name: ServersPerFarmQuotaExceeded 404: description: Resource not found. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ApiErrorResponse' x-errorCodes: - description: This endpoint does not exist. name: EndpointNotFound noDoc: true - description: The object you are trying to access does not exist. name: ObjectNotFound 409: description: Conflict with current state. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ApiErrorResponse' x-errorCodes: - description: These changes aren't possible while this object is in use. name: ObjectInUse - description: These changes would violate a policy. name: PolicyViolation - description: These changes would violate a unicity constraint. name: UnicityViolation - description: Some of the objects being changed are locked and cannot be changed. name: Locked - description: This Cloud platform is not enabled. name: NotEnabledPlatform - description: The Operating System does not match. name: OperatingSystemMismatch 422: description: This request was well-formed but was rejected due to semantic errors. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ApiErrorResponse' x-errorCodes: - description: Some of the configuration settings cannot be applied because they conflict with the current state. name: ConfigurationMismatch 500: description: A server-side error occurred. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ApiErrorResponse' 501: description: This feature is not implemented in Scalr. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ApiErrorResponse' 503: description: The service is currently unavailable. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ApiErrorResponse' post: description: Declare a new Global Variable for this global scope. parameters: - description: The JSON representation of a GlobalVariable object. in: body name: globalVariableObject required: true schema: $ref: '#/definitions/GlobalVariable' responses: 201: description: The JSON representation of a GlobalVariable object. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/GlobalVariableDetailsResponse' 400: description: A client-side error was made. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ApiErrorResponse' x-errorCodes: - description: The request was structurally incorrect, and was not understood by the API. name: InvalidStructure - description: The request was understood by the API, but included invalid data. name: InvalidValue - description: The request wasn't understood by the API. name: BadRequest 401: description: The request was not authenticated. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ApiErrorResponse' x-errorCodes: - description: The request was not properly authenticated. name: BadAuthentication 403: description: Insufficient permissions. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ApiErrorResponse' x-errorCodes: - description: This request should be made in a different Scope. name: ScopeViolation - description: You do not have the necessary permissions to perform this request. name: PermissionViolation - description: The maximum memory limit in GB has been reached. name: MemoryQuotaExceeded - description: The vCPUs limit has been reached. name: VcpusQuotaExceeded - description: The maximum number of the Servers that you can launch or resume has been reached. name: ServersQuotaExceeded - description: The maximum number of the Servers that you can launch or resume on current Farm has been reached. name: ServersPerFarmQuotaExceeded 404: description: Resource not found. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ApiErrorResponse' x-errorCodes: - description: This endpoint does not exist. name: EndpointNotFound noDoc: true - description: The object you are trying to access does not exist. name: ObjectNotFound 409: description: Conflict with current state. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ApiErrorResponse' x-errorCodes: - description: These changes aren't possible while this object is in use. name: ObjectInUse - description: These changes would violate a policy. name: PolicyViolation - description: These changes would violate a unicity constraint. name: UnicityViolation - description: Some of the objects being changed are locked and cannot be changed. name: Locked - description: This Cloud platform is not enabled. name: NotEnabledPlatform - description: The Operating System does not match. name: OperatingSystemMismatch 422: description: This request was well-formed but was rejected due to semantic errors. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ApiErrorResponse' x-errorCodes: - description: Some of the configuration settings cannot be applied because they conflict with the current state. name: ConfigurationMismatch 500: description: A server-side error occurred. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ApiErrorResponse' 501: description: This feature is not implemented in Scalr. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ApiErrorResponse' 503: description: The service is currently unavailable. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ApiErrorResponse' /global-variables/{globalVariableName}/: delete: description: Delete a Global Variable from global scope. responses: 204: description: Successful deletion. 400: description: A client-side error was made. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ApiErrorResponse' x-errorCodes: - description: The request was structurally incorrect, and was not understood by the API. name: InvalidStructure - description: The request was understood by the API, but included invalid data. name: InvalidValue - description: The request wasn't understood by the API. name: BadRequest 401: description: The request was not authenticated. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ApiErrorResponse' x-errorCodes: - description: The request was not properly authenticated. name: BadAuthentication 403: description: Insufficient permissions. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ApiErrorResponse' x-errorCodes: - description: This request should be made in a different Scope. name: ScopeViolation - description: You do not have the necessary permissions to perform this request. name: PermissionViolation - description: The maximum memory limit in GB has been reached. name: MemoryQuotaExceeded - description: The vCPUs limit has been reached. name: VcpusQuotaExceeded - description: The maximum number of the Servers that you can launch or resume has been reached. name: ServersQuotaExceeded - description: The maximum number of the Servers that you can launch or resume on current Farm has been reached. name: ServersPerFarmQuotaExceeded 404: description: Resource not found. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ApiErrorResponse' x-errorCodes: - description: This endpoint does not exist. name: EndpointNotFound noDoc: true - description: The object you are trying to access does not exist. name: ObjectNotFound 409: description: Conflict with current state. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ApiErrorResponse' x-errorCodes: - description: These changes aren't possible while this object is in use. name: ObjectInUse - description: These changes would violate a policy. name: PolicyViolation - description: These changes would violate a unicity constraint. name: UnicityViolation - description: Some of the objects being changed are locked and cannot be changed. name: Locked - description: This Cloud platform is not enabled. name: NotEnabledPlatform - description: The Operating System does not match. name: OperatingSystemMismatch 422: description: This request was well-formed but was rejected due to semantic errors. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ApiErrorResponse' x-errorCodes: - description: Some of the configuration settings cannot be applied because they conflict with the current state. name: ConfigurationMismatch 500: description: A server-side error occurred. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ApiErrorResponse' 501: description: This feature is not implemented in Scalr. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ApiErrorResponse' 503: description: The service is currently unavailable. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ApiErrorResponse' get: description: Retrieve detailed information about a Global Variable declared in global scope. responses: 200: description: The JSON representation of a GlobalVariable object. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/GlobalVariableDetailsResponse' 400: description: A client-side error was made. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ApiErrorResponse' x-errorCodes: - description: The request was structurally incorrect, and was not understood by the API. name: InvalidStructure - description: The request was understood by the API, but included invalid data. name: InvalidValue - description: The request wasn't understood by the API. name: BadRequest 401: description: The request was not authenticated. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ApiErrorResponse' x-errorCodes: - description: The request was not properly authenticated. name: BadAuthentication 403: description: Insufficient permissions. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ApiErrorResponse' x-errorCodes: - description: This request should be made in a different Scope. name: ScopeViolation - description: You do not have the necessary permissions to perform this request. name: PermissionViolation - description: The maximum memory limit in GB has been reached. name: MemoryQuotaExceeded - description: The vCPUs limit has been reached. name: VcpusQuotaExceeded - description: The maximum number of the Servers that you can launch or resume has been reached. name: ServersQuotaExceeded - description: The maximum number of the Servers that you can launch or resume on current Farm has been reached. name: ServersPerFarmQuotaExceeded 404: description: Resource not found. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ApiErrorResponse' x-errorCodes: - description: This endpoint does not exist. name: EndpointNotFound noDoc: true - description: The object you are trying to access does not exist. name: ObjectNotFound 409: description: Conflict with current state. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ApiErrorResponse' x-errorCodes: - description: These changes aren't possible while this object is in use. name: ObjectInUse - description: These changes would violate a policy. name: PolicyViolation - description: These changes would violate a unicity constraint. name: UnicityViolation - description: Some of the objects being changed are locked and cannot be changed. name: Locked - description: This Cloud platform is not enabled. name: NotEnabledPlatform - description: The Operating System does not match. name: OperatingSystemMismatch 422: description: This request was well-formed but was rejected due to semantic errors. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ApiErrorResponse' x-errorCodes: - description: Some of the configuration settings cannot be applied because they conflict with the current state. name: ConfigurationMismatch 500: description: A server-side error occurred. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ApiErrorResponse' 501: description: This feature is not implemented in Scalr. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ApiErrorResponse' 503: description: The service is currently unavailable. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ApiErrorResponse' parameters: - description: The name of the Global Variable being accessed. in: path maxLength: 128 minLength: 2 name: globalVariableName pattern: \w+ required: true type: string patch: description: Modify the attributes of a Global Variable declared in global scope. parameters: - description: The JSON representation of a GlobalVariable object. in: body name: globalVariableObject required: true schema: $ref: '#/definitions/GlobalVariable' responses: 200: description: The JSON representation of a GlobalVariable object. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/GlobalVariableDetailsResponse' 400: description: A client-side error was made. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ApiErrorResponse' x-errorCodes: - description: The request was structurally incorrect, and was not understood by the API. name: InvalidStructure - description: The request was understood by the API, but included invalid data. name: InvalidValue - description: The request wasn't understood by the API. name: BadRequest 401: description: The request was not authenticated. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ApiErrorResponse' x-errorCodes: - description: The request was not properly authenticated. name: BadAuthentication 403: description: Insufficient permissions. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ApiErrorResponse' x-errorCodes: - description: This request should be made in a different Scope. name: ScopeViolation - description: You do not have the necessary permissions to perform this request. name: PermissionViolation - description: The maximum memory limit in GB has been reached. name: MemoryQuotaExceeded - description: The vCPUs limit has been reached. name: VcpusQuotaExceeded - description: The maximum number of the Servers that you can launch or resume has been reached. name: ServersQuotaExceeded - description: The maximum number of the Servers that you can launch or resume on current Farm has been reached. name: ServersPerFarmQuotaExceeded 404: description: Resource not found. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ApiErrorResponse' x-errorCodes: - description: This endpoint does not exist. name: EndpointNotFound noDoc: true - description: The object you are trying to access does not exist. name: ObjectNotFound 409: description: Conflict with current state. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ApiErrorResponse' x-errorCodes: - description: These changes aren't possible while this object is in use. name: ObjectInUse - description: These changes would violate a policy. name: PolicyViolation - description: These changes would violate a unicity constraint. name: UnicityViolation - description: Some of the objects being changed are locked and cannot be changed. name: Locked - description: This Cloud platform is not enabled. name: NotEnabledPlatform - description: The Operating System does not match. name: OperatingSystemMismatch 422: description: This request was well-formed but was rejected due to semantic errors. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ApiErrorResponse' x-errorCodes: - description: Some of the configuration settings cannot be applied because they conflict with the current state. name: ConfigurationMismatch 500: description: A server-side error occurred. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ApiErrorResponse' 501: description: This feature is not implemented in Scalr. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ApiErrorResponse' 503: description: The service is currently unavailable. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ApiErrorResponse' /images/: get: description: List all the Images available in the global scope. responses: 200: description: A list of Image objects. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ImageListResponse' 400: description: A client-side error was made. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ApiErrorResponse' x-errorCodes: - description: The request was structurally incorrect, and was not understood by the API. name: InvalidStructure - description: The request was understood by the API, but included invalid data. name: InvalidValue - description: The request wasn't understood by the API. name: BadRequest 401: description: The request was not authenticated. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ApiErrorResponse' x-errorCodes: - description: The request was not properly authenticated. name: BadAuthentication 403: description: Insufficient permissions. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ApiErrorResponse' x-errorCodes: - description: This request should be made in a different Scope. name: ScopeViolation - description: You do not have the necessary permissions to perform this request. name: PermissionViolation - description: The maximum memory limit in GB has been reached. name: MemoryQuotaExceeded - description: The vCPUs limit has been reached. name: VcpusQuotaExceeded - description: The maximum number of the Servers that you can launch or resume has been reached. name: ServersQuotaExceeded - description: The maximum number of the Servers that you can launch or resume on current Farm has been reached. name: ServersPerFarmQuotaExceeded 404: description: Resource not found. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ApiErrorResponse' x-errorCodes: - description: This endpoint does not exist. name: EndpointNotFound noDoc: true - description: The object you are trying to access does not exist. name: ObjectNotFound 409: description: Conflict with current state. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ApiErrorResponse' x-errorCodes: - description: These changes aren't possible while this object is in use. name: ObjectInUse - description: These changes would violate a policy. name: PolicyViolation - description: These changes would violate a unicity constraint. name: UnicityViolation - description: Some of the objects being changed are locked and cannot be changed. name: Locked - description: This Cloud platform is not enabled. name: NotEnabledPlatform - description: The Operating System does not match. name: OperatingSystemMismatch 422: description: This request was well-formed but was rejected due to semantic errors. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ApiErrorResponse' x-errorCodes: - description: Some of the configuration settings cannot be applied because they conflict with the current state. name: ConfigurationMismatch 500: description: A server-side error occurred. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ApiErrorResponse' 501: description: This feature is not implemented in Scalr. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ApiErrorResponse' 503: description: The service is currently unavailable. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ApiErrorResponse' post: description: Register a new Image in the global scope. parameters: - description: The JSON representation of a Image object. in: body name: imageObject required: true schema: $ref: '#/definitions/Image' responses: 201: description: The JSON representation of a Image object. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ImageDetailsResponse' 400: description: A client-side error was made. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ApiErrorResponse' x-errorCodes: - description: The request was structurally incorrect, and was not understood by the API. name: InvalidStructure - description: The request was understood by the API, but included invalid data. name: InvalidValue - description: The request wasn't understood by the API. name: BadRequest 401: description: The request was not authenticated. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ApiErrorResponse' x-errorCodes: - description: The request was not properly authenticated. name: BadAuthentication 403: description: Insufficient permissions. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ApiErrorResponse' x-errorCodes: - description: This request should be made in a different Scope. name: ScopeViolation - description: You do not have the necessary permissions to perform this request. name: PermissionViolation - description: The maximum memory limit in GB has been reached. name: MemoryQuotaExceeded - description: The vCPUs limit has been reached. name: VcpusQuotaExceeded - description: The maximum number of the Servers that you can launch or resume has been reached. name: ServersQuotaExceeded - description: The maximum number of the Servers that you can launch or resume on current Farm has been reached. name: ServersPerFarmQuotaExceeded 404: description: Resource not found. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ApiErrorResponse' x-errorCodes: - description: This endpoint does not exist. name: EndpointNotFound noDoc: true - description: The object you are trying to access does not exist. name: ObjectNotFound 409: description: Conflict with current state. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ApiErrorResponse' x-errorCodes: - description: These changes aren't possible while this object is in use. name: ObjectInUse - description: These changes would violate a policy. name: PolicyViolation - description: These changes would violate a unicity constraint. name: UnicityViolation - description: Some of the objects being changed are locked and cannot be changed. name: Locked - description: This Cloud platform is not enabled. name: NotEnabledPlatform - description: The Operating System does not match. name: OperatingSystemMismatch 422: description: This request was well-formed but was rejected due to semantic errors. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ApiErrorResponse' x-errorCodes: - description: Some of the configuration settings cannot be applied because they conflict with the current state. name: ConfigurationMismatch 500: description: A server-side error occurred. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ApiErrorResponse' 501: description: This feature is not implemented in Scalr. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ApiErrorResponse' 503: description: The service is currently unavailable. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ApiErrorResponse' /images/{imageId}/: delete: description: Deregisters an Image from the global scope. responses: 204: description: Successful deletion. 400: description: A client-side error was made. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ApiErrorResponse' x-errorCodes: - description: The request was structurally incorrect, and was not understood by the API. name: InvalidStructure - description: The request was understood by the API, but included invalid data. name: InvalidValue - description: The request wasn't understood by the API. name: BadRequest 401: description: The request was not authenticated. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ApiErrorResponse' x-errorCodes: - description: The request was not properly authenticated. name: BadAuthentication 403: description: Insufficient permissions. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ApiErrorResponse' x-errorCodes: - description: This request should be made in a different Scope. name: ScopeViolation - description: You do not have the necessary permissions to perform this request. name: PermissionViolation - description: The maximum memory limit in GB has been reached. name: MemoryQuotaExceeded - description: The vCPUs limit has been reached. name: VcpusQuotaExceeded - description: The maximum number of the Servers that you can launch or resume has been reached. name: ServersQuotaExceeded - description: The maximum number of the Servers that you can launch or resume on current Farm has been reached. name: ServersPerFarmQuotaExceeded 404: description: Resource not found. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ApiErrorResponse' x-errorCodes: - description: This endpoint does not exist. name: EndpointNotFound noDoc: true - description: The object you are trying to access does not exist. name: ObjectNotFound 409: description: Conflict with current state. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ApiErrorResponse' x-errorCodes: - description: These changes aren't possible while this object is in use. name: ObjectInUse - description: These changes would violate a policy. name: PolicyViolation - description: These changes would violate a unicity constraint. name: UnicityViolation - description: Some of the objects being changed are locked and cannot be changed. name: Locked - description: This Cloud platform is not enabled. name: NotEnabledPlatform - description: The Operating System does not match. name: OperatingSystemMismatch 422: description: This request was well-formed but was rejected due to semantic errors. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ApiErrorResponse' x-errorCodes: - description: Some of the configuration settings cannot be applied because they conflict with the current state. name: ConfigurationMismatch 500: description: A server-side error occurred. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ApiErrorResponse' 501: description: This feature is not implemented in Scalr. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ApiErrorResponse' 503: description: The service is currently unavailable. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ApiErrorResponse' get: description: Retrieve detailed information about an Image. responses: 200: description: The JSON representation of a Image object. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ImageDetailsResponse' 400: description: A client-side error was made. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ApiErrorResponse' x-errorCodes: - description: The request was structurally incorrect, and was not understood by the API. name: InvalidStructure - description: The request was understood by the API, but included invalid data. name: InvalidValue - description: The request wasn't understood by the API. name: BadRequest 401: description: The request was not authenticated. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ApiErrorResponse' x-errorCodes: - description: The request was not properly authenticated. name: BadAuthentication 403: description: Insufficient permissions. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ApiErrorResponse' x-errorCodes: - description: This request should be made in a different Scope. name: ScopeViolation - description: You do not have the necessary permissions to perform this request. name: PermissionViolation - description: The maximum memory limit in GB has been reached. name: MemoryQuotaExceeded - description: The vCPUs limit has been reached. name: VcpusQuotaExceeded - description: The maximum number of the Servers that you can launch or resume has been reached. name: ServersQuotaExceeded - description: The maximum number of the Servers that you can launch or resume on current Farm has been reached. name: ServersPerFarmQuotaExceeded 404: description: Resource not found. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ApiErrorResponse' x-errorCodes: - description: This endpoint does not exist. name: EndpointNotFound noDoc: true - description: The object you are trying to access does not exist. name: ObjectNotFound 409: description: Conflict with current state. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ApiErrorResponse' x-errorCodes: - description: These changes aren't possible while this object is in use. name: ObjectInUse - description: These changes would violate a policy. name: PolicyViolation - description: These changes would violate a unicity constraint. name: UnicityViolation - description: Some of the objects being changed are locked and cannot be changed. name: Locked - description: This Cloud platform is not enabled. name: NotEnabledPlatform - description: The Operating System does not match. name: OperatingSystemMismatch 422: description: This request was well-formed but was rejected due to semantic errors. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ApiErrorResponse' x-errorCodes: - description: Some of the configuration settings cannot be applied because they conflict with the current state. name: ConfigurationMismatch 500: description: A server-side error occurred. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ApiErrorResponse' 501: description: This feature is not implemented in Scalr. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ApiErrorResponse' 503: description: The service is currently unavailable. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ApiErrorResponse' parameters: - description: The ID of a Image object. in: path maxLength: 36 minLength: 36 name: imageId pattern: '[A-Fa-f0-9]{8}-([A-Fa-f0-9]{4}-){3}[A-Fa-f0-9]{12}' required: true type: string x-references: $ref: '#/definitions/Image' patch: description: Modify the attributes of an Image. Currently only the name of the Image can be changed. parameters: - description: The updated definition. in: body name: image required: true schema: $ref: '#/definitions/Image' responses: 200: description: The JSON representation of a Image object. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ImageDetailsResponse' 400: description: A client-side error was made. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ApiErrorResponse' x-errorCodes: - description: The request was structurally incorrect, and was not understood by the API. name: InvalidStructure - description: The request was understood by the API, but included invalid data. name: InvalidValue - description: The request wasn't understood by the API. name: BadRequest 401: description: The request was not authenticated. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ApiErrorResponse' x-errorCodes: - description: The request was not properly authenticated. name: BadAuthentication 403: description: Insufficient permissions. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ApiErrorResponse' x-errorCodes: - description: This request should be made in a different Scope. name: ScopeViolation - description: You do not have the necessary permissions to perform this request. name: PermissionViolation - description: The maximum memory limit in GB has been reached. name: MemoryQuotaExceeded - description: The vCPUs limit has been reached. name: VcpusQuotaExceeded - description: The maximum number of the Servers that you can launch or resume has been reached. name: ServersQuotaExceeded - description: The maximum number of the Servers that you can launch or resume on current Farm has been reached. name: ServersPerFarmQuotaExceeded 404: description: Resource not found. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ApiErrorResponse' x-errorCodes: - description: This endpoint does not exist. name: EndpointNotFound noDoc: true - description: The object you are trying to access does not exist. name: ObjectNotFound 409: description: Conflict with current state. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ApiErrorResponse' x-errorCodes: - description: These changes aren't possible while this object is in use. name: ObjectInUse - description: These changes would violate a policy. name: PolicyViolation - description: These changes would violate a unicity constraint. name: UnicityViolation - description: Some of the objects being changed are locked and cannot be changed. name: Locked - description: This Cloud platform is not enabled. name: NotEnabledPlatform - description: The Operating System does not match. name: OperatingSystemMismatch 422: description: This request was well-formed but was rejected due to semantic errors. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ApiErrorResponse' x-errorCodes: - description: Some of the configuration settings cannot be applied because they conflict with the current state. name: ConfigurationMismatch 500: description: A server-side error occurred. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ApiErrorResponse' 501: description: This feature is not implemented in Scalr. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ApiErrorResponse' 503: description: The service is currently unavailable. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ApiErrorResponse' /images/{imageId}/actions/copy/: parameters: - description: The ID of a Image object. in: path maxLength: 36 minLength: 36 name: imageId pattern: '[A-Fa-f0-9]{8}-([A-Fa-f0-9]{4}-){3}[A-Fa-f0-9]{12}' required: true type: string x-references: $ref: '#/definitions/Image' post: description: Copy an Image from one EC2 region to another. parameters: - description: Copy Image options. in: body name: copyImageRequest required: true schema: properties: cloudCredentials: $ref: '#/definitions/CloudCredentialsForeignKey' cloudLocation: description: The EC2 destination region where this Image will be copied. type: string required: - cloudLocation - cloudCredentials responses: 201: description: The JSON representation of a Image object. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ImageDetailsResponse' 400: description: A client-side error was made. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ApiErrorResponse' x-errorCodes: - description: The request was structurally incorrect, and was not understood by the API. name: InvalidStructure - description: The request was understood by the API, but included invalid data. name: InvalidValue - description: The request wasn't understood by the API. name: BadRequest 401: description: The request was not authenticated. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ApiErrorResponse' x-errorCodes: - description: The request was not properly authenticated. name: BadAuthentication 403: description: Insufficient permissions. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ApiErrorResponse' x-errorCodes: - description: This request should be made in a different Scope. name: ScopeViolation - description: You do not have the necessary permissions to perform this request. name: PermissionViolation - description: The maximum memory limit in GB has been reached. name: MemoryQuotaExceeded - description: The vCPUs limit has been reached. name: VcpusQuotaExceeded - description: The maximum number of the Servers that you can launch or resume has been reached. name: ServersQuotaExceeded - description: The maximum number of the Servers that you can launch or resume on current Farm has been reached. name: ServersPerFarmQuotaExceeded 404: description: Resource not found. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ApiErrorResponse' x-errorCodes: - description: This endpoint does not exist. name: EndpointNotFound noDoc: true - description: The object you are trying to access does not exist. name: ObjectNotFound 409: description: Conflict with current state. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ApiErrorResponse' x-errorCodes: - description: These changes aren't possible while this object is in use. name: ObjectInUse - description: These changes would violate a policy. name: PolicyViolation - description: These changes would violate a unicity constraint. name: UnicityViolation - description: Some of the objects being changed are locked and cannot be changed. name: Locked - description: This Cloud platform is not enabled. name: NotEnabledPlatform - description: The Operating System does not match. name: OperatingSystemMismatch 422: description: This request was well-formed but was rejected due to semantic errors. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ApiErrorResponse' x-errorCodes: - description: Some of the configuration settings cannot be applied because they conflict with the current state. name: ConfigurationMismatch 500: description: A server-side error occurred. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ApiErrorResponse' 501: description: This feature is not implemented in Scalr. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ApiErrorResponse' 503: description: The service is currently unavailable. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ApiErrorResponse' /images/{imageId}/actions/replace/: parameters: - description: The identifier of the old Image object. in: path maxLength: 36 minLength: 36 name: imageId pattern: '[A-Fa-f0-9]{8}-([A-Fa-f0-9]{4}-){3}[A-Fa-f0-9]{12}' required: true type: string x-references: $ref: '#/definitions/Image' post: description: Replace the current Image with a specified one for all Roles which use this Image. parameters: - description: Replace image options. in: body name: replaceImageRequest required: true schema: properties: deprecateOldImage: default: false description: If the value is true Scalr will mark source Image as deprecated. type: boolean newImage: $ref: '#/definitions/ImageForeignKey' description: The identifier of a new Image object. scope: default: - scalr description: Make a replacement for all Roles from the selected scopes. If you choose to make a replacement including lower scope you must also choose higher scope values. items: enum: - scalr - account - environment type: string type: array required: - newImage responses: 200: description: A list of RoleScopeIdentity objects. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/RoleScopeIdentityListResponse' 400: description: A client-side error was made. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ApiErrorResponse' x-errorCodes: - description: The request was structurally incorrect, and was not understood by the API. name: InvalidStructure - description: The request was understood by the API, but included invalid data. name: InvalidValue - description: The request wasn't understood by the API. name: BadRequest 401: description: The request was not authenticated. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ApiErrorResponse' x-errorCodes: - description: The request was not properly authenticated. name: BadAuthentication 403: description: Insufficient permissions. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ApiErrorResponse' x-errorCodes: - description: This request should be made in a different Scope. name: ScopeViolation - description: You do not have the necessary permissions to perform this request. name: PermissionViolation - description: The maximum memory limit in GB has been reached. name: MemoryQuotaExceeded - description: The vCPUs limit has been reached. name: VcpusQuotaExceeded - description: The maximum number of the Servers that you can launch or resume has been reached. name: ServersQuotaExceeded - description: The maximum number of the Servers that you can launch or resume on current Farm has been reached. name: ServersPerFarmQuotaExceeded 404: description: Resource not found. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ApiErrorResponse' x-errorCodes: - description: This endpoint does not exist. name: EndpointNotFound noDoc: true - description: The object you are trying to access does not exist. name: ObjectNotFound 409: description: Conflict with current state. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ApiErrorResponse' x-errorCodes: - description: These changes aren't possible while this object is in use. name: ObjectInUse - description: These changes would violate a policy. name: PolicyViolation - description: These changes would violate a unicity constraint. name: UnicityViolation - description: Some of the objects being changed are locked and cannot be changed. name: Locked - description: This Cloud platform is not enabled. name: NotEnabledPlatform - description: The Operating System does not match. name: OperatingSystemMismatch 422: description: This request was well-formed but was rejected due to semantic errors. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ApiErrorResponse' x-errorCodes: - description: Some of the configuration settings cannot be applied because they conflict with the current state. name: ConfigurationMismatch 500: description: A server-side error occurred. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ApiErrorResponse' 501: description: This feature is not implemented in Scalr. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ApiErrorResponse' 503: description: The service is currently unavailable. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ApiErrorResponse' /os/: get: description: List all the Operating Systems definitions available in the global scope. responses: 200: description: A list of Os objects. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/OsListResponse' 400: description: A client-side error was made. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ApiErrorResponse' x-errorCodes: - description: The request was structurally incorrect, and was not understood by the API. name: InvalidStructure - description: The request was understood by the API, but included invalid data. name: InvalidValue - description: The request wasn't understood by the API. name: BadRequest 401: description: The request was not authenticated. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ApiErrorResponse' x-errorCodes: - description: The request was not properly authenticated. name: BadAuthentication 403: description: Insufficient permissions. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ApiErrorResponse' x-errorCodes: - description: This request should be made in a different Scope. name: ScopeViolation - description: You do not have the necessary permissions to perform this request. name: PermissionViolation - description: The maximum memory limit in GB has been reached. name: MemoryQuotaExceeded - description: The vCPUs limit has been reached. name: VcpusQuotaExceeded - description: The maximum number of the Servers that you can launch or resume has been reached. name: ServersQuotaExceeded - description: The maximum number of the Servers that you can launch or resume on current Farm has been reached. name: ServersPerFarmQuotaExceeded 404: description: Resource not found. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ApiErrorResponse' x-errorCodes: - description: This endpoint does not exist. name: EndpointNotFound noDoc: true - description: The object you are trying to access does not exist. name: ObjectNotFound 409: description: Conflict with current state. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ApiErrorResponse' x-errorCodes: - description: These changes aren't possible while this object is in use. name: ObjectInUse - description: These changes would violate a policy. name: PolicyViolation - description: These changes would violate a unicity constraint. name: UnicityViolation - description: Some of the objects being changed are locked and cannot be changed. name: Locked - description: This Cloud platform is not enabled. name: NotEnabledPlatform - description: The Operating System does not match. name: OperatingSystemMismatch 422: description: This request was well-formed but was rejected due to semantic errors. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ApiErrorResponse' x-errorCodes: - description: Some of the configuration settings cannot be applied because they conflict with the current state. name: ConfigurationMismatch 500: description: A server-side error occurred. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ApiErrorResponse' 501: description: This feature is not implemented in Scalr. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ApiErrorResponse' 503: description: The service is currently unavailable. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ApiErrorResponse' /os/{osId}/: get: description: Retrieve detailed information about a given OS. responses: 200: description: The JSON representation of a Os object. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/OsDetailsResponse' 400: description: A client-side error was made. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ApiErrorResponse' x-errorCodes: - description: The request was structurally incorrect, and was not understood by the API. name: InvalidStructure - description: The request was understood by the API, but included invalid data. name: InvalidValue - description: The request wasn't understood by the API. name: BadRequest 401: description: The request was not authenticated. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ApiErrorResponse' x-errorCodes: - description: The request was not properly authenticated. name: BadAuthentication 403: description: Insufficient permissions. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ApiErrorResponse' x-errorCodes: - description: This request should be made in a different Scope. name: ScopeViolation - description: You do not have the necessary permissions to perform this request. name: PermissionViolation - description: The maximum memory limit in GB has been reached. name: MemoryQuotaExceeded - description: The vCPUs limit has been reached. name: VcpusQuotaExceeded - description: The maximum number of the Servers that you can launch or resume has been reached. name: ServersQuotaExceeded - description: The maximum number of the Servers that you can launch or resume on current Farm has been reached. name: ServersPerFarmQuotaExceeded 404: description: Resource not found. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ApiErrorResponse' x-errorCodes: - description: This endpoint does not exist. name: EndpointNotFound noDoc: true - description: The object you are trying to access does not exist. name: ObjectNotFound 409: description: Conflict with current state. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ApiErrorResponse' x-errorCodes: - description: These changes aren't possible while this object is in use. name: ObjectInUse - description: These changes would violate a policy. name: PolicyViolation - description: These changes would violate a unicity constraint. name: UnicityViolation - description: Some of the objects being changed are locked and cannot be changed. name: Locked - description: This Cloud platform is not enabled. name: NotEnabledPlatform - description: The Operating System does not match. name: OperatingSystemMismatch 422: description: This request was well-formed but was rejected due to semantic errors. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ApiErrorResponse' x-errorCodes: - description: Some of the configuration settings cannot be applied because they conflict with the current state. name: ConfigurationMismatch 500: description: A server-side error occurred. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ApiErrorResponse' 501: description: This feature is not implemented in Scalr. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ApiErrorResponse' 503: description: The service is currently unavailable. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ApiErrorResponse' parameters: - description: The ID of a Os object. in: path name: osId pattern: '[A-Za-z0-9-]+' required: true type: string x-references: $ref: '#/definitions/Os' /projects/: get: description: List the Projects available in the global scope. responses: 200: description: A list of Project objects. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ProjectListResponse' 400: description: A client-side error was made. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ApiErrorResponse' x-errorCodes: - description: The request was structurally incorrect, and was not understood by the API. name: InvalidStructure - description: The request was understood by the API, but included invalid data. name: InvalidValue - description: The request wasn't understood by the API. name: BadRequest 401: description: The request was not authenticated. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ApiErrorResponse' x-errorCodes: - description: The request was not properly authenticated. name: BadAuthentication 403: description: Insufficient permissions. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ApiErrorResponse' x-errorCodes: - description: This request should be made in a different Scope. name: ScopeViolation - description: You do not have the necessary permissions to perform this request. name: PermissionViolation - description: The maximum memory limit in GB has been reached. name: MemoryQuotaExceeded - description: The vCPUs limit has been reached. name: VcpusQuotaExceeded - description: The maximum number of the Servers that you can launch or resume has been reached. name: ServersQuotaExceeded - description: The maximum number of the Servers that you can launch or resume on current Farm has been reached. name: ServersPerFarmQuotaExceeded 404: description: Resource not found. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ApiErrorResponse' x-errorCodes: - description: This endpoint does not exist. name: EndpointNotFound noDoc: true - description: The object you are trying to access does not exist. name: ObjectNotFound 409: description: Conflict with current state. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ApiErrorResponse' x-errorCodes: - description: These changes aren't possible while this object is in use. name: ObjectInUse - description: These changes would violate a policy. name: PolicyViolation - description: These changes would violate a unicity constraint. name: UnicityViolation - description: Some of the objects being changed are locked and cannot be changed. name: Locked - description: This Cloud platform is not enabled. name: NotEnabledPlatform - description: The Operating System does not match. name: OperatingSystemMismatch 422: description: This request was well-formed but was rejected due to semantic errors. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ApiErrorResponse' x-errorCodes: - description: Some of the configuration settings cannot be applied because they conflict with the current state. name: ConfigurationMismatch 500: description: A server-side error occurred. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ApiErrorResponse' 501: description: This feature is not implemented in Scalr. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ApiErrorResponse' 503: description: The service is currently unavailable. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ApiErrorResponse' post: description: Create a new Project in the global scope. parameters: - description: The JSON representation of a Project object. in: body name: projectObject required: true schema: $ref: '#/definitions/Project' responses: 201: description: The JSON representation of a Project object. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ProjectDetailsResponse' 400: description: A client-side error was made. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ApiErrorResponse' x-errorCodes: - description: The request was structurally incorrect, and was not understood by the API. name: InvalidStructure - description: The request was understood by the API, but included invalid data. name: InvalidValue - description: The request wasn't understood by the API. name: BadRequest 401: description: The request was not authenticated. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ApiErrorResponse' x-errorCodes: - description: The request was not properly authenticated. name: BadAuthentication 403: description: Insufficient permissions. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ApiErrorResponse' x-errorCodes: - description: This request should be made in a different Scope. name: ScopeViolation - description: You do not have the necessary permissions to perform this request. name: PermissionViolation - description: The maximum memory limit in GB has been reached. name: MemoryQuotaExceeded - description: The vCPUs limit has been reached. name: VcpusQuotaExceeded - description: The maximum number of the Servers that you can launch or resume has been reached. name: ServersQuotaExceeded - description: The maximum number of the Servers that you can launch or resume on current Farm has been reached. name: ServersPerFarmQuotaExceeded 404: description: Resource not found. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ApiErrorResponse' x-errorCodes: - description: This endpoint does not exist. name: EndpointNotFound noDoc: true - description: The object you are trying to access does not exist. name: ObjectNotFound 409: description: Conflict with current state. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ApiErrorResponse' x-errorCodes: - description: These changes aren't possible while this object is in use. name: ObjectInUse - description: These changes would violate a policy. name: PolicyViolation - description: These changes would violate a unicity constraint. name: UnicityViolation - description: Some of the objects being changed are locked and cannot be changed. name: Locked - description: This Cloud platform is not enabled. name: NotEnabledPlatform - description: The Operating System does not match. name: OperatingSystemMismatch 422: description: This request was well-formed but was rejected due to semantic errors. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ApiErrorResponse' x-errorCodes: - description: Some of the configuration settings cannot be applied because they conflict with the current state. name: ConfigurationMismatch 500: description: A server-side error occurred. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ApiErrorResponse' 501: description: This feature is not implemented in Scalr. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ApiErrorResponse' 503: description: The service is currently unavailable. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ApiErrorResponse' /projects/{projectId}/: delete: description: Delete a Project from global scope. responses: 204: description: Successful deletion. 400: description: A client-side error was made. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ApiErrorResponse' x-errorCodes: - description: The request was structurally incorrect, and was not understood by the API. name: InvalidStructure - description: The request was understood by the API, but included invalid data. name: InvalidValue - description: The request wasn't understood by the API. name: BadRequest 401: description: The request was not authenticated. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ApiErrorResponse' x-errorCodes: - description: The request was not properly authenticated. name: BadAuthentication 403: description: Insufficient permissions. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ApiErrorResponse' x-errorCodes: - description: This request should be made in a different Scope. name: ScopeViolation - description: You do not have the necessary permissions to perform this request. name: PermissionViolation - description: The maximum memory limit in GB has been reached. name: MemoryQuotaExceeded - description: The vCPUs limit has been reached. name: VcpusQuotaExceeded - description: The maximum number of the Servers that you can launch or resume has been reached. name: ServersQuotaExceeded - description: The maximum number of the Servers that you can launch or resume on current Farm has been reached. name: ServersPerFarmQuotaExceeded 404: description: Resource not found. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ApiErrorResponse' x-errorCodes: - description: This endpoint does not exist. name: EndpointNotFound noDoc: true - description: The object you are trying to access does not exist. name: ObjectNotFound 409: description: Conflict with current state. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ApiErrorResponse' x-errorCodes: - description: These changes aren't possible while this object is in use. name: ObjectInUse - description: These changes would violate a policy. name: PolicyViolation - description: These changes would violate a unicity constraint. name: UnicityViolation - description: Some of the objects being changed are locked and cannot be changed. name: Locked - description: This Cloud platform is not enabled. name: NotEnabledPlatform - description: The Operating System does not match. name: OperatingSystemMismatch 422: description: This request was well-formed but was rejected due to semantic errors. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ApiErrorResponse' x-errorCodes: - description: Some of the configuration settings cannot be applied because they conflict with the current state. name: ConfigurationMismatch 500: description: A server-side error occurred. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ApiErrorResponse' 501: description: This feature is not implemented in Scalr. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ApiErrorResponse' 503: description: The service is currently unavailable. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ApiErrorResponse' get: description: Retrieve detailed information about a Project. responses: 200: description: The JSON representation of a Project object. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ProjectDetailsResponse' 400: description: A client-side error was made. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ApiErrorResponse' x-errorCodes: - description: The request was structurally incorrect, and was not understood by the API. name: InvalidStructure - description: The request was understood by the API, but included invalid data. name: InvalidValue - description: The request wasn't understood by the API. name: BadRequest 401: description: The request was not authenticated. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ApiErrorResponse' x-errorCodes: - description: The request was not properly authenticated. name: BadAuthentication 403: description: Insufficient permissions. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ApiErrorResponse' x-errorCodes: - description: This request should be made in a different Scope. name: ScopeViolation - description: You do not have the necessary permissions to perform this request. name: PermissionViolation - description: The maximum memory limit in GB has been reached. name: MemoryQuotaExceeded - description: The vCPUs limit has been reached. name: VcpusQuotaExceeded - description: The maximum number of the Servers that you can launch or resume has been reached. name: ServersQuotaExceeded - description: The maximum number of the Servers that you can launch or resume on current Farm has been reached. name: ServersPerFarmQuotaExceeded 404: description: Resource not found. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ApiErrorResponse' x-errorCodes: - description: This endpoint does not exist. name: EndpointNotFound noDoc: true - description: The object you are trying to access does not exist. name: ObjectNotFound 409: description: Conflict with current state. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ApiErrorResponse' x-errorCodes: - description: These changes aren't possible while this object is in use. name: ObjectInUse - description: These changes would violate a policy. name: PolicyViolation - description: These changes would violate a unicity constraint. name: UnicityViolation - description: Some of the objects being changed are locked and cannot be changed. name: Locked - description: This Cloud platform is not enabled. name: NotEnabledPlatform - description: The Operating System does not match. name: OperatingSystemMismatch 422: description: This request was well-formed but was rejected due to semantic errors. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ApiErrorResponse' x-errorCodes: - description: Some of the configuration settings cannot be applied because they conflict with the current state. name: ConfigurationMismatch 500: description: A server-side error occurred. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ApiErrorResponse' 501: description: This feature is not implemented in Scalr. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ApiErrorResponse' 503: description: The service is currently unavailable. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ApiErrorResponse' parameters: - description: The ID of a Project object. in: path maxLength: 36 minLength: 36 name: projectId pattern: '[A-Fa-f0-9]{8}-([A-Fa-f0-9]{4}-){3}[A-Fa-f0-9]{12}' required: true type: string x-references: $ref: '#/definitions/Project' patch: description: Modify the attributes of the Project. parameters: - description: The JSON representation of a Project object. in: body name: projectObject required: true schema: $ref: '#/definitions/Project' responses: 200: description: The JSON representation of a Project object. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ProjectDetailsResponse' 400: description: A client-side error was made. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ApiErrorResponse' x-errorCodes: - description: The request was structurally incorrect, and was not understood by the API. name: InvalidStructure - description: The request was understood by the API, but included invalid data. name: InvalidValue - description: The request wasn't understood by the API. name: BadRequest 401: description: The request was not authenticated. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ApiErrorResponse' x-errorCodes: - description: The request was not properly authenticated. name: BadAuthentication 403: description: Insufficient permissions. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ApiErrorResponse' x-errorCodes: - description: This request should be made in a different Scope. name: ScopeViolation - description: You do not have the necessary permissions to perform this request. name: PermissionViolation - description: The maximum memory limit in GB has been reached. name: MemoryQuotaExceeded - description: The vCPUs limit has been reached. name: VcpusQuotaExceeded - description: The maximum number of the Servers that you can launch or resume has been reached. name: ServersQuotaExceeded - description: The maximum number of the Servers that you can launch or resume on current Farm has been reached. name: ServersPerFarmQuotaExceeded 404: description: Resource not found. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ApiErrorResponse' x-errorCodes: - description: This endpoint does not exist. name: EndpointNotFound noDoc: true - description: The object you are trying to access does not exist. name: ObjectNotFound 409: description: Conflict with current state. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ApiErrorResponse' x-errorCodes: - description: These changes aren't possible while this object is in use. name: ObjectInUse - description: These changes would violate a policy. name: PolicyViolation - description: These changes would violate a unicity constraint. name: UnicityViolation - description: Some of the objects being changed are locked and cannot be changed. name: Locked - description: This Cloud platform is not enabled. name: NotEnabledPlatform - description: The Operating System does not match. name: OperatingSystemMismatch 422: description: This request was well-formed but was rejected due to semantic errors. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ApiErrorResponse' x-errorCodes: - description: Some of the configuration settings cannot be applied because they conflict with the current state. name: ConfigurationMismatch 500: description: A server-side error occurred. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ApiErrorResponse' 501: description: This feature is not implemented in Scalr. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ApiErrorResponse' 503: description: The service is currently unavailable. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ApiErrorResponse' /role-categories/: get: description: List the Role Categories available in the global scope. responses: 200: description: A list of RoleCategory objects. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/RoleCategoryListResponse' 400: description: A client-side error was made. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ApiErrorResponse' x-errorCodes: - description: The request was structurally incorrect, and was not understood by the API. name: InvalidStructure - description: The request was understood by the API, but included invalid data. name: InvalidValue - description: The request wasn't understood by the API. name: BadRequest 401: description: The request was not authenticated. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ApiErrorResponse' x-errorCodes: - description: The request was not properly authenticated. name: BadAuthentication 403: description: Insufficient permissions. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ApiErrorResponse' x-errorCodes: - description: This request should be made in a different Scope. name: ScopeViolation - description: You do not have the necessary permissions to perform this request. name: PermissionViolation - description: The maximum memory limit in GB has been reached. name: MemoryQuotaExceeded - description: The vCPUs limit has been reached. name: VcpusQuotaExceeded - description: The maximum number of the Servers that you can launch or resume has been reached. name: ServersQuotaExceeded - description: The maximum number of the Servers that you can launch or resume on current Farm has been reached. name: ServersPerFarmQuotaExceeded 404: description: Resource not found. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ApiErrorResponse' x-errorCodes: - description: This endpoint does not exist. name: EndpointNotFound noDoc: true - description: The object you are trying to access does not exist. name: ObjectNotFound 409: description: Conflict with current state. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ApiErrorResponse' x-errorCodes: - description: These changes aren't possible while this object is in use. name: ObjectInUse - description: These changes would violate a policy. name: PolicyViolation - description: These changes would violate a unicity constraint. name: UnicityViolation - description: Some of the objects being changed are locked and cannot be changed. name: Locked - description: This Cloud platform is not enabled. name: NotEnabledPlatform - description: The Operating System does not match. name: OperatingSystemMismatch 422: description: This request was well-formed but was rejected due to semantic errors. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ApiErrorResponse' x-errorCodes: - description: Some of the configuration settings cannot be applied because they conflict with the current state. name: ConfigurationMismatch 500: description: A server-side error occurred. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ApiErrorResponse' 501: description: This feature is not implemented in Scalr. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ApiErrorResponse' 503: description: The service is currently unavailable. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ApiErrorResponse' post: description: Create a new Role Category in the global scope. parameters: - description: The JSON representation of a RoleCategory object. in: body name: roleCategoryObject required: true schema: $ref: '#/definitions/RoleCategory' responses: 201: description: The JSON representation of a RoleCategory object. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/RoleCategoryDetailsResponse' 400: description: A client-side error was made. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ApiErrorResponse' x-errorCodes: - description: The request was structurally incorrect, and was not understood by the API. name: InvalidStructure - description: The request was understood by the API, but included invalid data. name: InvalidValue - description: The request wasn't understood by the API. name: BadRequest 401: description: The request was not authenticated. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ApiErrorResponse' x-errorCodes: - description: The request was not properly authenticated. name: BadAuthentication 403: description: Insufficient permissions. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ApiErrorResponse' x-errorCodes: - description: This request should be made in a different Scope. name: ScopeViolation - description: You do not have the necessary permissions to perform this request. name: PermissionViolation - description: The maximum memory limit in GB has been reached. name: MemoryQuotaExceeded - description: The vCPUs limit has been reached. name: VcpusQuotaExceeded - description: The maximum number of the Servers that you can launch or resume has been reached. name: ServersQuotaExceeded - description: The maximum number of the Servers that you can launch or resume on current Farm has been reached. name: ServersPerFarmQuotaExceeded 404: description: Resource not found. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ApiErrorResponse' x-errorCodes: - description: This endpoint does not exist. name: EndpointNotFound noDoc: true - description: The object you are trying to access does not exist. name: ObjectNotFound 409: description: Conflict with current state. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ApiErrorResponse' x-errorCodes: - description: These changes aren't possible while this object is in use. name: ObjectInUse - description: These changes would violate a policy. name: PolicyViolation - description: These changes would violate a unicity constraint. name: UnicityViolation - description: Some of the objects being changed are locked and cannot be changed. name: Locked - description: This Cloud platform is not enabled. name: NotEnabledPlatform - description: The Operating System does not match. name: OperatingSystemMismatch 422: description: This request was well-formed but was rejected due to semantic errors. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ApiErrorResponse' x-errorCodes: - description: Some of the configuration settings cannot be applied because they conflict with the current state. name: ConfigurationMismatch 500: description: A server-side error occurred. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ApiErrorResponse' 501: description: This feature is not implemented in Scalr. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ApiErrorResponse' 503: description: The service is currently unavailable. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ApiErrorResponse' /role-categories/{roleCategoryId}/: delete: description: Delete a Role Category from the global scope. responses: 204: description: Successful deletion. 400: description: A client-side error was made. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ApiErrorResponse' x-errorCodes: - description: The request was structurally incorrect, and was not understood by the API. name: InvalidStructure - description: The request was understood by the API, but included invalid data. name: InvalidValue - description: The request wasn't understood by the API. name: BadRequest 401: description: The request was not authenticated. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ApiErrorResponse' x-errorCodes: - description: The request was not properly authenticated. name: BadAuthentication 403: description: Insufficient permissions. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ApiErrorResponse' x-errorCodes: - description: This request should be made in a different Scope. name: ScopeViolation - description: You do not have the necessary permissions to perform this request. name: PermissionViolation - description: The maximum memory limit in GB has been reached. name: MemoryQuotaExceeded - description: The vCPUs limit has been reached. name: VcpusQuotaExceeded - description: The maximum number of the Servers that you can launch or resume has been reached. name: ServersQuotaExceeded - description: The maximum number of the Servers that you can launch or resume on current Farm has been reached. name: ServersPerFarmQuotaExceeded 404: description: Resource not found. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ApiErrorResponse' x-errorCodes: - description: This endpoint does not exist. name: EndpointNotFound noDoc: true - description: The object you are trying to access does not exist. name: ObjectNotFound 409: description: Conflict with current state. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ApiErrorResponse' x-errorCodes: - description: These changes aren't possible while this object is in use. name: ObjectInUse - description: These changes would violate a policy. name: PolicyViolation - description: These changes would violate a unicity constraint. name: UnicityViolation - description: Some of the objects being changed are locked and cannot be changed. name: Locked - description: This Cloud platform is not enabled. name: NotEnabledPlatform - description: The Operating System does not match. name: OperatingSystemMismatch 422: description: This request was well-formed but was rejected due to semantic errors. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ApiErrorResponse' x-errorCodes: - description: Some of the configuration settings cannot be applied because they conflict with the current state. name: ConfigurationMismatch 500: description: A server-side error occurred. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ApiErrorResponse' 501: description: This feature is not implemented in Scalr. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ApiErrorResponse' 503: description: The service is currently unavailable. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ApiErrorResponse' get: description: Retrieve detailed information about a given Role Category. responses: 200: description: The JSON representation of a RoleCategory object. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/RoleCategoryDetailsResponse' 400: description: A client-side error was made. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ApiErrorResponse' x-errorCodes: - description: The request was structurally incorrect, and was not understood by the API. name: InvalidStructure - description: The request was understood by the API, but included invalid data. name: InvalidValue - description: The request wasn't understood by the API. name: BadRequest 401: description: The request was not authenticated. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ApiErrorResponse' x-errorCodes: - description: The request was not properly authenticated. name: BadAuthentication 403: description: Insufficient permissions. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ApiErrorResponse' x-errorCodes: - description: This request should be made in a different Scope. name: ScopeViolation - description: You do not have the necessary permissions to perform this request. name: PermissionViolation - description: The maximum memory limit in GB has been reached. name: MemoryQuotaExceeded - description: The vCPUs limit has been reached. name: VcpusQuotaExceeded - description: The maximum number of the Servers that you can launch or resume has been reached. name: ServersQuotaExceeded - description: The maximum number of the Servers that you can launch or resume on current Farm has been reached. name: ServersPerFarmQuotaExceeded 404: description: Resource not found. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ApiErrorResponse' x-errorCodes: - description: This endpoint does not exist. name: EndpointNotFound noDoc: true - description: The object you are trying to access does not exist. name: ObjectNotFound 409: description: Conflict with current state. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ApiErrorResponse' x-errorCodes: - description: These changes aren't possible while this object is in use. name: ObjectInUse - description: These changes would violate a policy. name: PolicyViolation - description: These changes would violate a unicity constraint. name: UnicityViolation - description: Some of the objects being changed are locked and cannot be changed. name: Locked - description: This Cloud platform is not enabled. name: NotEnabledPlatform - description: The Operating System does not match. name: OperatingSystemMismatch 422: description: This request was well-formed but was rejected due to semantic errors. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ApiErrorResponse' x-errorCodes: - description: Some of the configuration settings cannot be applied because they conflict with the current state. name: ConfigurationMismatch 500: description: A server-side error occurred. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ApiErrorResponse' 501: description: This feature is not implemented in Scalr. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ApiErrorResponse' 503: description: The service is currently unavailable. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ApiErrorResponse' parameters: - description: The ID of a RoleCategory object. in: path name: roleCategoryId required: true type: integer x-references: $ref: '#/definitions/RoleCategory' patch: description: Edit the attributes of a given Role Category. parameters: - description: The JSON representation of a RoleCategory object. in: body name: roleCategoryObject required: true schema: $ref: '#/definitions/RoleCategory' responses: 200: description: The JSON representation of a RoleCategory object. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/RoleCategoryDetailsResponse' 400: description: A client-side error was made. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ApiErrorResponse' x-errorCodes: - description: The request was structurally incorrect, and was not understood by the API. name: InvalidStructure - description: The request was understood by the API, but included invalid data. name: InvalidValue - description: The request wasn't understood by the API. name: BadRequest 401: description: The request was not authenticated. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ApiErrorResponse' x-errorCodes: - description: The request was not properly authenticated. name: BadAuthentication 403: description: Insufficient permissions. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ApiErrorResponse' x-errorCodes: - description: This request should be made in a different Scope. name: ScopeViolation - description: You do not have the necessary permissions to perform this request. name: PermissionViolation - description: The maximum memory limit in GB has been reached. name: MemoryQuotaExceeded - description: The vCPUs limit has been reached. name: VcpusQuotaExceeded - description: The maximum number of the Servers that you can launch or resume has been reached. name: ServersQuotaExceeded - description: The maximum number of the Servers that you can launch or resume on current Farm has been reached. name: ServersPerFarmQuotaExceeded 404: description: Resource not found. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ApiErrorResponse' x-errorCodes: - description: This endpoint does not exist. name: EndpointNotFound noDoc: true - description: The object you are trying to access does not exist. name: ObjectNotFound 409: description: Conflict with current state. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ApiErrorResponse' x-errorCodes: - description: These changes aren't possible while this object is in use. name: ObjectInUse - description: These changes would violate a policy. name: PolicyViolation - description: These changes would violate a unicity constraint. name: UnicityViolation - description: Some of the objects being changed are locked and cannot be changed. name: Locked - description: This Cloud platform is not enabled. name: NotEnabledPlatform - description: The Operating System does not match. name: OperatingSystemMismatch 422: description: This request was well-formed but was rejected due to semantic errors. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ApiErrorResponse' x-errorCodes: - description: Some of the configuration settings cannot be applied because they conflict with the current state. name: ConfigurationMismatch 500: description: A server-side error occurred. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ApiErrorResponse' 501: description: This feature is not implemented in Scalr. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ApiErrorResponse' 503: description: The service is currently unavailable. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ApiErrorResponse' /roles/: get: description: List all the Roles available in the global scope. responses: 200: description: A list of Role objects. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/RoleListResponse' 400: description: A client-side error was made. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ApiErrorResponse' x-errorCodes: - description: The request was structurally incorrect, and was not understood by the API. name: InvalidStructure - description: The request was understood by the API, but included invalid data. name: InvalidValue - description: The request wasn't understood by the API. name: BadRequest 401: description: The request was not authenticated. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ApiErrorResponse' x-errorCodes: - description: The request was not properly authenticated. name: BadAuthentication 403: description: Insufficient permissions. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ApiErrorResponse' x-errorCodes: - description: This request should be made in a different Scope. name: ScopeViolation - description: You do not have the necessary permissions to perform this request. name: PermissionViolation - description: The maximum memory limit in GB has been reached. name: MemoryQuotaExceeded - description: The vCPUs limit has been reached. name: VcpusQuotaExceeded - description: The maximum number of the Servers that you can launch or resume has been reached. name: ServersQuotaExceeded - description: The maximum number of the Servers that you can launch or resume on current Farm has been reached. name: ServersPerFarmQuotaExceeded 404: description: Resource not found. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ApiErrorResponse' x-errorCodes: - description: This endpoint does not exist. name: EndpointNotFound noDoc: true - description: The object you are trying to access does not exist. name: ObjectNotFound 409: description: Conflict with current state. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ApiErrorResponse' x-errorCodes: - description: These changes aren't possible while this object is in use. name: ObjectInUse - description: These changes would violate a policy. name: PolicyViolation - description: These changes would violate a unicity constraint. name: UnicityViolation - description: Some of the objects being changed are locked and cannot be changed. name: Locked - description: This Cloud platform is not enabled. name: NotEnabledPlatform - description: The Operating System does not match. name: OperatingSystemMismatch 422: description: This request was well-formed but was rejected due to semantic errors. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ApiErrorResponse' x-errorCodes: - description: Some of the configuration settings cannot be applied because they conflict with the current state. name: ConfigurationMismatch 500: description: A server-side error occurred. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ApiErrorResponse' 501: description: This feature is not implemented in Scalr. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ApiErrorResponse' 503: description: The service is currently unavailable. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ApiErrorResponse' post: description: Create a new Role in the global scope. parameters: - description: The JSON representation of a Role object. in: body name: roleObject required: true schema: $ref: '#/definitions/Role' responses: 201: description: The JSON representation of a Role object. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/RoleDetailsResponse' 400: description: A client-side error was made. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ApiErrorResponse' x-errorCodes: - description: The request was structurally incorrect, and was not understood by the API. name: InvalidStructure - description: The request was understood by the API, but included invalid data. name: InvalidValue - description: The request wasn't understood by the API. name: BadRequest 401: description: The request was not authenticated. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ApiErrorResponse' x-errorCodes: - description: The request was not properly authenticated. name: BadAuthentication 403: description: Insufficient permissions. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ApiErrorResponse' x-errorCodes: - description: This request should be made in a different Scope. name: ScopeViolation - description: You do not have the necessary permissions to perform this request. name: PermissionViolation - description: The maximum memory limit in GB has been reached. name: MemoryQuotaExceeded - description: The vCPUs limit has been reached. name: VcpusQuotaExceeded - description: The maximum number of the Servers that you can launch or resume has been reached. name: ServersQuotaExceeded - description: The maximum number of the Servers that you can launch or resume on current Farm has been reached. name: ServersPerFarmQuotaExceeded 404: description: Resource not found. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ApiErrorResponse' x-errorCodes: - description: This endpoint does not exist. name: EndpointNotFound noDoc: true - description: The object you are trying to access does not exist. name: ObjectNotFound 409: description: Conflict with current state. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ApiErrorResponse' x-errorCodes: - description: These changes aren't possible while this object is in use. name: ObjectInUse - description: These changes would violate a policy. name: PolicyViolation - description: These changes would violate a unicity constraint. name: UnicityViolation - description: Some of the objects being changed are locked and cannot be changed. name: Locked - description: This Cloud platform is not enabled. name: NotEnabledPlatform - description: The Operating System does not match. name: OperatingSystemMismatch 422: description: This request was well-formed but was rejected due to semantic errors. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ApiErrorResponse' x-errorCodes: - description: Some of the configuration settings cannot be applied because they conflict with the current state. name: ConfigurationMismatch 500: description: A server-side error occurred. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ApiErrorResponse' 501: description: This feature is not implemented in Scalr. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ApiErrorResponse' 503: description: The service is currently unavailable. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ApiErrorResponse' /roles/{roleId}/: delete: description: Delete a Role from the global scope. responses: 204: description: Successful deletion. 400: description: A client-side error was made. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ApiErrorResponse' x-errorCodes: - description: The request was structurally incorrect, and was not understood by the API. name: InvalidStructure - description: The request was understood by the API, but included invalid data. name: InvalidValue - description: The request wasn't understood by the API. name: BadRequest 401: description: The request was not authenticated. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ApiErrorResponse' x-errorCodes: - description: The request was not properly authenticated. name: BadAuthentication 403: description: Insufficient permissions. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ApiErrorResponse' x-errorCodes: - description: This request should be made in a different Scope. name: ScopeViolation - description: You do not have the necessary permissions to perform this request. name: PermissionViolation - description: The maximum memory limit in GB has been reached. name: MemoryQuotaExceeded - description: The vCPUs limit has been reached. name: VcpusQuotaExceeded - description: The maximum number of the Servers that you can launch or resume has been reached. name: ServersQuotaExceeded - description: The maximum number of the Servers that you can launch or resume on current Farm has been reached. name: ServersPerFarmQuotaExceeded 404: description: Resource not found. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ApiErrorResponse' x-errorCodes: - description: This endpoint does not exist. name: EndpointNotFound noDoc: true - description: The object you are trying to access does not exist. name: ObjectNotFound 409: description: Conflict with current state. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ApiErrorResponse' x-errorCodes: - description: These changes aren't possible while this object is in use. name: ObjectInUse - description: These changes would violate a policy. name: PolicyViolation - description: These changes would violate a unicity constraint. name: UnicityViolation - description: Some of the objects being changed are locked and cannot be changed. name: Locked - description: This Cloud platform is not enabled. name: NotEnabledPlatform - description: The Operating System does not match. name: OperatingSystemMismatch 422: description: This request was well-formed but was rejected due to semantic errors. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ApiErrorResponse' x-errorCodes: - description: Some of the configuration settings cannot be applied because they conflict with the current state. name: ConfigurationMismatch 500: description: A server-side error occurred. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ApiErrorResponse' 501: description: This feature is not implemented in Scalr. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ApiErrorResponse' 503: description: The service is currently unavailable. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ApiErrorResponse' get: description: Retrieve detailed information about a given Role. responses: 200: description: The JSON representation of a Role object. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/RoleDetailsResponse' 400: description: A client-side error was made. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ApiErrorResponse' x-errorCodes: - description: The request was structurally incorrect, and was not understood by the API. name: InvalidStructure - description: The request was understood by the API, but included invalid data. name: InvalidValue - description: The request wasn't understood by the API. name: BadRequest 401: description: The request was not authenticated. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ApiErrorResponse' x-errorCodes: - description: The request was not properly authenticated. name: BadAuthentication 403: description: Insufficient permissions. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ApiErrorResponse' x-errorCodes: - description: This request should be made in a different Scope. name: ScopeViolation - description: You do not have the necessary permissions to perform this request. name: PermissionViolation - description: The maximum memory limit in GB has been reached. name: MemoryQuotaExceeded - description: The vCPUs limit has been reached. name: VcpusQuotaExceeded - description: The maximum number of the Servers that you can launch or resume has been reached. name: ServersQuotaExceeded - description: The maximum number of the Servers that you can launch or resume on current Farm has been reached. name: ServersPerFarmQuotaExceeded 404: description: Resource not found. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ApiErrorResponse' x-errorCodes: - description: This endpoint does not exist. name: EndpointNotFound noDoc: true - description: The object you are trying to access does not exist. name: ObjectNotFound 409: description: Conflict with current state. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ApiErrorResponse' x-errorCodes: - description: These changes aren't possible while this object is in use. name: ObjectInUse - description: These changes would violate a policy. name: PolicyViolation - description: These changes would violate a unicity constraint. name: UnicityViolation - description: Some of the objects being changed are locked and cannot be changed. name: Locked - description: This Cloud platform is not enabled. name: NotEnabledPlatform - description: The Operating System does not match. name: OperatingSystemMismatch 422: description: This request was well-formed but was rejected due to semantic errors. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ApiErrorResponse' x-errorCodes: - description: Some of the configuration settings cannot be applied because they conflict with the current state. name: ConfigurationMismatch 500: description: A server-side error occurred. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ApiErrorResponse' 501: description: This feature is not implemented in Scalr. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ApiErrorResponse' 503: description: The service is currently unavailable. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ApiErrorResponse' parameters: - description: The ID of a Role object. in: path name: roleId required: true type: integer x-references: $ref: '#/definitions/Role' patch: description: Modify the attributes of a given Role. parameters: - description: The JSON representation of a Role object. in: body name: roleObject required: true schema: $ref: '#/definitions/Role' responses: 200: description: The JSON representation of a Role object. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/RoleDetailsResponse' 400: description: A client-side error was made. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ApiErrorResponse' x-errorCodes: - description: The request was structurally incorrect, and was not understood by the API. name: InvalidStructure - description: The request was understood by the API, but included invalid data. name: InvalidValue - description: The request wasn't understood by the API. name: BadRequest 401: description: The request was not authenticated. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ApiErrorResponse' x-errorCodes: - description: The request was not properly authenticated. name: BadAuthentication 403: description: Insufficient permissions. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ApiErrorResponse' x-errorCodes: - description: This request should be made in a different Scope. name: ScopeViolation - description: You do not have the necessary permissions to perform this request. name: PermissionViolation - description: The maximum memory limit in GB has been reached. name: MemoryQuotaExceeded - description: The vCPUs limit has been reached. name: VcpusQuotaExceeded - description: The maximum number of the Servers that you can launch or resume has been reached. name: ServersQuotaExceeded - description: The maximum number of the Servers that you can launch or resume on current Farm has been reached. name: ServersPerFarmQuotaExceeded 404: description: Resource not found. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ApiErrorResponse' x-errorCodes: - description: This endpoint does not exist. name: EndpointNotFound noDoc: true - description: The object you are trying to access does not exist. name: ObjectNotFound 409: description: Conflict with current state. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ApiErrorResponse' x-errorCodes: - description: These changes aren't possible while this object is in use. name: ObjectInUse - description: These changes would violate a policy. name: PolicyViolation - description: These changes would violate a unicity constraint. name: UnicityViolation - description: Some of the objects being changed are locked and cannot be changed. name: Locked - description: This Cloud platform is not enabled. name: NotEnabledPlatform - description: The Operating System does not match. name: OperatingSystemMismatch 422: description: This request was well-formed but was rejected due to semantic errors. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ApiErrorResponse' x-errorCodes: - description: Some of the configuration settings cannot be applied because they conflict with the current state. name: ConfigurationMismatch 500: description: A server-side error occurred. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ApiErrorResponse' 501: description: This feature is not implemented in Scalr. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ApiErrorResponse' 503: description: The service is currently unavailable. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ApiErrorResponse' /roles/{roleId}/actions/deprecate/: parameters: - description: The ID of a Role object. in: path name: roleId required: true type: integer x-references: $ref: '#/definitions/Role' post: description: Deprecate a Role and set another Role to replace it. parameters: - description: Deprecate Role options. in: body name: deprecateRoleRequest required: false schema: properties: deprecate: default: true description: By default deprecate Role If a value is true clears the deprecate from Role. type: boolean replacement: $ref: '#/definitions/RoleForeignKey' description: The suggested replacement Role foreign key for the current Role. responses: 200: description: The JSON representation of a Role object. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/RoleDetailsResponse' 400: description: A client-side error was made. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ApiErrorResponse' x-errorCodes: - description: The request was structurally incorrect, and was not understood by the API. name: InvalidStructure - description: The request was understood by the API, but included invalid data. name: InvalidValue - description: The request wasn't understood by the API. name: BadRequest 401: description: The request was not authenticated. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ApiErrorResponse' x-errorCodes: - description: The request was not properly authenticated. name: BadAuthentication 403: description: Insufficient permissions. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ApiErrorResponse' x-errorCodes: - description: This request should be made in a different Scope. name: ScopeViolation - description: You do not have the necessary permissions to perform this request. name: PermissionViolation - description: The maximum memory limit in GB has been reached. name: MemoryQuotaExceeded - description: The vCPUs limit has been reached. name: VcpusQuotaExceeded - description: The maximum number of the Servers that you can launch or resume has been reached. name: ServersQuotaExceeded - description: The maximum number of the Servers that you can launch or resume on current Farm has been reached. name: ServersPerFarmQuotaExceeded 404: description: Resource not found. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ApiErrorResponse' x-errorCodes: - description: This endpoint does not exist. name: EndpointNotFound noDoc: true - description: The object you are trying to access does not exist. name: ObjectNotFound 409: description: Conflict with current state. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ApiErrorResponse' x-errorCodes: - description: These changes aren't possible while this object is in use. name: ObjectInUse - description: These changes would violate a policy. name: PolicyViolation - description: These changes would violate a unicity constraint. name: UnicityViolation - description: Some of the objects being changed are locked and cannot be changed. name: Locked - description: This Cloud platform is not enabled. name: NotEnabledPlatform - description: The Operating System does not match. name: OperatingSystemMismatch 422: description: This request was well-formed but was rejected due to semantic errors. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ApiErrorResponse' x-errorCodes: - description: Some of the configuration settings cannot be applied because they conflict with the current state. name: ConfigurationMismatch 500: description: A server-side error occurred. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ApiErrorResponse' 501: description: This feature is not implemented in Scalr. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ApiErrorResponse' 503: description: The service is currently unavailable. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ApiErrorResponse' /roles/{roleId}/global-variables/: get: description: List all the Global Variables associated with a given Role. responses: 200: description: A list of GlobalVariable objects. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/GlobalVariableListResponse' 400: description: A client-side error was made. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ApiErrorResponse' x-errorCodes: - description: The request was structurally incorrect, and was not understood by the API. name: InvalidStructure - description: The request was understood by the API, but included invalid data. name: InvalidValue - description: The request wasn't understood by the API. name: BadRequest 401: description: The request was not authenticated. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ApiErrorResponse' x-errorCodes: - description: The request was not properly authenticated. name: BadAuthentication 403: description: Insufficient permissions. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ApiErrorResponse' x-errorCodes: - description: This request should be made in a different Scope. name: ScopeViolation - description: You do not have the necessary permissions to perform this request. name: PermissionViolation - description: The maximum memory limit in GB has been reached. name: MemoryQuotaExceeded - description: The vCPUs limit has been reached. name: VcpusQuotaExceeded - description: The maximum number of the Servers that you can launch or resume has been reached. name: ServersQuotaExceeded - description: The maximum number of the Servers that you can launch or resume on current Farm has been reached. name: ServersPerFarmQuotaExceeded 404: description: Resource not found. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ApiErrorResponse' x-errorCodes: - description: This endpoint does not exist. name: EndpointNotFound noDoc: true - description: The object you are trying to access does not exist. name: ObjectNotFound 409: description: Conflict with current state. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ApiErrorResponse' x-errorCodes: - description: These changes aren't possible while this object is in use. name: ObjectInUse - description: These changes would violate a policy. name: PolicyViolation - description: These changes would violate a unicity constraint. name: UnicityViolation - description: Some of the objects being changed are locked and cannot be changed. name: Locked - description: This Cloud platform is not enabled. name: NotEnabledPlatform - description: The Operating System does not match. name: OperatingSystemMismatch 422: description: This request was well-formed but was rejected due to semantic errors. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ApiErrorResponse' x-errorCodes: - description: Some of the configuration settings cannot be applied because they conflict with the current state. name: ConfigurationMismatch 500: description: A server-side error occurred. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ApiErrorResponse' 501: description: This feature is not implemented in Scalr. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ApiErrorResponse' 503: description: The service is currently unavailable. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ApiErrorResponse' parameters: - description: The ID of a Role object. in: path name: roleId required: true type: integer x-references: $ref: '#/definitions/Role' post: description: Declares a new Global Variable for this Role. parameters: - description: The JSON representation of a GlobalVariable object. in: body name: globalVariableObject required: true schema: $ref: '#/definitions/GlobalVariable' responses: 201: description: The JSON representation of a GlobalVariable object. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/GlobalVariableDetailsResponse' 400: description: A client-side error was made. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ApiErrorResponse' x-errorCodes: - description: The request was structurally incorrect, and was not understood by the API. name: InvalidStructure - description: The request was understood by the API, but included invalid data. name: InvalidValue - description: The request wasn't understood by the API. name: BadRequest 401: description: The request was not authenticated. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ApiErrorResponse' x-errorCodes: - description: The request was not properly authenticated. name: BadAuthentication 403: description: Insufficient permissions. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ApiErrorResponse' x-errorCodes: - description: This request should be made in a different Scope. name: ScopeViolation - description: You do not have the necessary permissions to perform this request. name: PermissionViolation - description: The maximum memory limit in GB has been reached. name: MemoryQuotaExceeded - description: The vCPUs limit has been reached. name: VcpusQuotaExceeded - description: The maximum number of the Servers that you can launch or resume has been reached. name: ServersQuotaExceeded - description: The maximum number of the Servers that you can launch or resume on current Farm has been reached. name: ServersPerFarmQuotaExceeded 404: description: Resource not found. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ApiErrorResponse' x-errorCodes: - description: This endpoint does not exist. name: EndpointNotFound noDoc: true - description: The object you are trying to access does not exist. name: ObjectNotFound 409: description: Conflict with current state. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ApiErrorResponse' x-errorCodes: - description: These changes aren't possible while this object is in use. name: ObjectInUse - description: These changes would violate a policy. name: PolicyViolation - description: These changes would violate a unicity constraint. name: UnicityViolation - description: Some of the objects being changed are locked and cannot be changed. name: Locked - description: This Cloud platform is not enabled. name: NotEnabledPlatform - description: The Operating System does not match. name: OperatingSystemMismatch 422: description: This request was well-formed but was rejected due to semantic errors. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ApiErrorResponse' x-errorCodes: - description: Some of the configuration settings cannot be applied because they conflict with the current state. name: ConfigurationMismatch 500: description: A server-side error occurred. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ApiErrorResponse' 501: description: This feature is not implemented in Scalr. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ApiErrorResponse' 503: description: The service is currently unavailable. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ApiErrorResponse' /roles/{roleId}/global-variables/{globalVariableName}/: delete: description: Deletes a Global Variable from a given Role's scope. responses: 204: description: Successful deletion. 400: description: A client-side error was made. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ApiErrorResponse' x-errorCodes: - description: The request was structurally incorrect, and was not understood by the API. name: InvalidStructure - description: The request was understood by the API, but included invalid data. name: InvalidValue - description: The request wasn't understood by the API. name: BadRequest 401: description: The request was not authenticated. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ApiErrorResponse' x-errorCodes: - description: The request was not properly authenticated. name: BadAuthentication 403: description: Insufficient permissions. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ApiErrorResponse' x-errorCodes: - description: This request should be made in a different Scope. name: ScopeViolation - description: You do not have the necessary permissions to perform this request. name: PermissionViolation - description: The maximum memory limit in GB has been reached. name: MemoryQuotaExceeded - description: The vCPUs limit has been reached. name: VcpusQuotaExceeded - description: The maximum number of the Servers that you can launch or resume has been reached. name: ServersQuotaExceeded - description: The maximum number of the Servers that you can launch or resume on current Farm has been reached. name: ServersPerFarmQuotaExceeded 404: description: Resource not found. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ApiErrorResponse' x-errorCodes: - description: This endpoint does not exist. name: EndpointNotFound noDoc: true - description: The object you are trying to access does not exist. name: ObjectNotFound 409: description: Conflict with current state. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ApiErrorResponse' x-errorCodes: - description: These changes aren't possible while this object is in use. name: ObjectInUse - description: These changes would violate a policy. name: PolicyViolation - description: These changes would violate a unicity constraint. name: UnicityViolation - description: Some of the objects being changed are locked and cannot be changed. name: Locked - description: This Cloud platform is not enabled. name: NotEnabledPlatform - description: The Operating System does not match. name: OperatingSystemMismatch 422: description: This request was well-formed but was rejected due to semantic errors. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ApiErrorResponse' x-errorCodes: - description: Some of the configuration settings cannot be applied because they conflict with the current state. name: ConfigurationMismatch 500: description: A server-side error occurred. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ApiErrorResponse' 501: description: This feature is not implemented in Scalr. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ApiErrorResponse' 503: description: The service is currently unavailable. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ApiErrorResponse' get: description: Retrieve detailed information about a Global Variable in the Role's scope. responses: 200: description: The JSON representation of a GlobalVariable object. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/GlobalVariableDetailsResponse' 400: description: A client-side error was made. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ApiErrorResponse' x-errorCodes: - description: The request was structurally incorrect, and was not understood by the API. name: InvalidStructure - description: The request was understood by the API, but included invalid data. name: InvalidValue - description: The request wasn't understood by the API. name: BadRequest 401: description: The request was not authenticated. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ApiErrorResponse' x-errorCodes: - description: The request was not properly authenticated. name: BadAuthentication 403: description: Insufficient permissions. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ApiErrorResponse' x-errorCodes: - description: This request should be made in a different Scope. name: ScopeViolation - description: You do not have the necessary permissions to perform this request. name: PermissionViolation - description: The maximum memory limit in GB has been reached. name: MemoryQuotaExceeded - description: The vCPUs limit has been reached. name: VcpusQuotaExceeded - description: The maximum number of the Servers that you can launch or resume has been reached. name: ServersQuotaExceeded - description: The maximum number of the Servers that you can launch or resume on current Farm has been reached. name: ServersPerFarmQuotaExceeded 404: description: Resource not found. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ApiErrorResponse' x-errorCodes: - description: This endpoint does not exist. name: EndpointNotFound noDoc: true - description: The object you are trying to access does not exist. name: ObjectNotFound 409: description: Conflict with current state. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ApiErrorResponse' x-errorCodes: - description: These changes aren't possible while this object is in use. name: ObjectInUse - description: These changes would violate a policy. name: PolicyViolation - description: These changes would violate a unicity constraint. name: UnicityViolation - description: Some of the objects being changed are locked and cannot be changed. name: Locked - description: This Cloud platform is not enabled. name: NotEnabledPlatform - description: The Operating System does not match. name: OperatingSystemMismatch 422: description: This request was well-formed but was rejected due to semantic errors. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ApiErrorResponse' x-errorCodes: - description: Some of the configuration settings cannot be applied because they conflict with the current state. name: ConfigurationMismatch 500: description: A server-side error occurred. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ApiErrorResponse' 501: description: This feature is not implemented in Scalr. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ApiErrorResponse' 503: description: The service is currently unavailable. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ApiErrorResponse' parameters: - description: The ID of a Role object. in: path name: roleId required: true type: integer x-references: $ref: '#/definitions/Role' - description: The name of the Global Variable being accessed. in: path maxLength: 128 minLength: 2 name: globalVariableName pattern: \w+ required: true type: string patch: description: Modify the attributes of a Global Variable in the Role's scope. parameters: - description: The JSON representation of a GlobalVariable object. in: body name: globalVariableObject required: true schema: $ref: '#/definitions/GlobalVariable' responses: 200: description: The JSON representation of a GlobalVariable object. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/GlobalVariableDetailsResponse' 400: description: A client-side error was made. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ApiErrorResponse' x-errorCodes: - description: The request was structurally incorrect, and was not understood by the API. name: InvalidStructure - description: The request was understood by the API, but included invalid data. name: InvalidValue - description: The request wasn't understood by the API. name: BadRequest 401: description: The request was not authenticated. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ApiErrorResponse' x-errorCodes: - description: The request was not properly authenticated. name: BadAuthentication 403: description: Insufficient permissions. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ApiErrorResponse' x-errorCodes: - description: This request should be made in a different Scope. name: ScopeViolation - description: You do not have the necessary permissions to perform this request. name: PermissionViolation - description: The maximum memory limit in GB has been reached. name: MemoryQuotaExceeded - description: The vCPUs limit has been reached. name: VcpusQuotaExceeded - description: The maximum number of the Servers that you can launch or resume has been reached. name: ServersQuotaExceeded - description: The maximum number of the Servers that you can launch or resume on current Farm has been reached. name: ServersPerFarmQuotaExceeded 404: description: Resource not found. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ApiErrorResponse' x-errorCodes: - description: This endpoint does not exist. name: EndpointNotFound noDoc: true - description: The object you are trying to access does not exist. name: ObjectNotFound 409: description: Conflict with current state. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ApiErrorResponse' x-errorCodes: - description: These changes aren't possible while this object is in use. name: ObjectInUse - description: These changes would violate a policy. name: PolicyViolation - description: These changes would violate a unicity constraint. name: UnicityViolation - description: Some of the objects being changed are locked and cannot be changed. name: Locked - description: This Cloud platform is not enabled. name: NotEnabledPlatform - description: The Operating System does not match. name: OperatingSystemMismatch 422: description: This request was well-formed but was rejected due to semantic errors. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ApiErrorResponse' x-errorCodes: - description: Some of the configuration settings cannot be applied because they conflict with the current state. name: ConfigurationMismatch 500: description: A server-side error occurred. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ApiErrorResponse' 501: description: This feature is not implemented in Scalr. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ApiErrorResponse' 503: description: The service is currently unavailable. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ApiErrorResponse' /roles/{roleId}/images/: get: description: List all the Images associated with the specified Role. responses: 200: description: A list of RoleImage objects. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/RoleImageListResponse' 400: description: A client-side error was made. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ApiErrorResponse' x-errorCodes: - description: The request was structurally incorrect, and was not understood by the API. name: InvalidStructure - description: The request was understood by the API, but included invalid data. name: InvalidValue - description: The request wasn't understood by the API. name: BadRequest 401: description: The request was not authenticated. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ApiErrorResponse' x-errorCodes: - description: The request was not properly authenticated. name: BadAuthentication 403: description: Insufficient permissions. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ApiErrorResponse' x-errorCodes: - description: This request should be made in a different Scope. name: ScopeViolation - description: You do not have the necessary permissions to perform this request. name: PermissionViolation - description: The maximum memory limit in GB has been reached. name: MemoryQuotaExceeded - description: The vCPUs limit has been reached. name: VcpusQuotaExceeded - description: The maximum number of the Servers that you can launch or resume has been reached. name: ServersQuotaExceeded - description: The maximum number of the Servers that you can launch or resume on current Farm has been reached. name: ServersPerFarmQuotaExceeded 404: description: Resource not found. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ApiErrorResponse' x-errorCodes: - description: This endpoint does not exist. name: EndpointNotFound noDoc: true - description: The object you are trying to access does not exist. name: ObjectNotFound 409: description: Conflict with current state. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ApiErrorResponse' x-errorCodes: - description: These changes aren't possible while this object is in use. name: ObjectInUse - description: These changes would violate a policy. name: PolicyViolation - description: These changes would violate a unicity constraint. name: UnicityViolation - description: Some of the objects being changed are locked and cannot be changed. name: Locked - description: This Cloud platform is not enabled. name: NotEnabledPlatform - description: The Operating System does not match. name: OperatingSystemMismatch 422: description: This request was well-formed but was rejected due to semantic errors. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ApiErrorResponse' x-errorCodes: - description: Some of the configuration settings cannot be applied because they conflict with the current state. name: ConfigurationMismatch 500: description: A server-side error occurred. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ApiErrorResponse' 501: description: This feature is not implemented in Scalr. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ApiErrorResponse' 503: description: The service is currently unavailable. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ApiErrorResponse' parameters: - description: The ID of a Role object. in: path name: roleId required: true type: integer x-references: $ref: '#/definitions/Role' post: description: Associate a new Image with this Role. This will fail if an Image associated to the Role is in the same location than the Image you are trying to add. parameters: - description: The JSON representation of a RoleImage object. in: body name: roleImageObject required: true schema: $ref: '#/definitions/RoleImage' responses: 201: description: The JSON representation of a RoleImage object. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/RoleImageDetailsResponse' 400: description: A client-side error was made. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ApiErrorResponse' x-errorCodes: - description: The request was structurally incorrect, and was not understood by the API. name: InvalidStructure - description: The request was understood by the API, but included invalid data. name: InvalidValue - description: The request wasn't understood by the API. name: BadRequest 401: description: The request was not authenticated. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ApiErrorResponse' x-errorCodes: - description: The request was not properly authenticated. name: BadAuthentication 403: description: Insufficient permissions. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ApiErrorResponse' x-errorCodes: - description: This request should be made in a different Scope. name: ScopeViolation - description: You do not have the necessary permissions to perform this request. name: PermissionViolation - description: The maximum memory limit in GB has been reached. name: MemoryQuotaExceeded - description: The vCPUs limit has been reached. name: VcpusQuotaExceeded - description: The maximum number of the Servers that you can launch or resume has been reached. name: ServersQuotaExceeded - description: The maximum number of the Servers that you can launch or resume on current Farm has been reached. name: ServersPerFarmQuotaExceeded 404: description: Resource not found. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ApiErrorResponse' x-errorCodes: - description: This endpoint does not exist. name: EndpointNotFound noDoc: true - description: The object you are trying to access does not exist. name: ObjectNotFound 409: description: Conflict with current state. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ApiErrorResponse' x-errorCodes: - description: These changes aren't possible while this object is in use. name: ObjectInUse - description: These changes would violate a policy. name: PolicyViolation - description: These changes would violate a unicity constraint. name: UnicityViolation - description: Some of the objects being changed are locked and cannot be changed. name: Locked - description: This Cloud platform is not enabled. name: NotEnabledPlatform - description: The Operating System does not match. name: OperatingSystemMismatch 422: description: This request was well-formed but was rejected due to semantic errors. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ApiErrorResponse' x-errorCodes: - description: Some of the configuration settings cannot be applied because they conflict with the current state. name: ConfigurationMismatch 500: description: A server-side error occurred. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ApiErrorResponse' 501: description: This feature is not implemented in Scalr. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ApiErrorResponse' 503: description: The service is currently unavailable. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ApiErrorResponse' /roles/{roleId}/images/{imageId}/: delete: description: Dis-associates an Image from a given Role. responses: 204: description: Successful deletion. 400: description: A client-side error was made. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ApiErrorResponse' x-errorCodes: - description: The request was structurally incorrect, and was not understood by the API. name: InvalidStructure - description: The request was understood by the API, but included invalid data. name: InvalidValue - description: The request wasn't understood by the API. name: BadRequest 401: description: The request was not authenticated. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ApiErrorResponse' x-errorCodes: - description: The request was not properly authenticated. name: BadAuthentication 403: description: Insufficient permissions. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ApiErrorResponse' x-errorCodes: - description: This request should be made in a different Scope. name: ScopeViolation - description: You do not have the necessary permissions to perform this request. name: PermissionViolation - description: The maximum memory limit in GB has been reached. name: MemoryQuotaExceeded - description: The vCPUs limit has been reached. name: VcpusQuotaExceeded - description: The maximum number of the Servers that you can launch or resume has been reached. name: ServersQuotaExceeded - description: The maximum number of the Servers that you can launch or resume on current Farm has been reached. name: ServersPerFarmQuotaExceeded 404: description: Resource not found. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ApiErrorResponse' x-errorCodes: - description: This endpoint does not exist. name: EndpointNotFound noDoc: true - description: The object you are trying to access does not exist. name: ObjectNotFound 409: description: Conflict with current state. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ApiErrorResponse' x-errorCodes: - description: These changes aren't possible while this object is in use. name: ObjectInUse - description: These changes would violate a policy. name: PolicyViolation - description: These changes would violate a unicity constraint. name: UnicityViolation - description: Some of the objects being changed are locked and cannot be changed. name: Locked - description: This Cloud platform is not enabled. name: NotEnabledPlatform - description: The Operating System does not match. name: OperatingSystemMismatch 422: description: This request was well-formed but was rejected due to semantic errors. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ApiErrorResponse' x-errorCodes: - description: Some of the configuration settings cannot be applied because they conflict with the current state. name: ConfigurationMismatch 500: description: A server-side error occurred. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ApiErrorResponse' 501: description: This feature is not implemented in Scalr. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ApiErrorResponse' 503: description: The service is currently unavailable. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ApiErrorResponse' get: description: Retrieve detailed information about an Image. responses: 200: description: Redirects to the Image. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ImageDetailsResponse' 400: description: A client-side error was made. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ApiErrorResponse' x-errorCodes: - description: The request was structurally incorrect, and was not understood by the API. name: InvalidStructure - description: The request was understood by the API, but included invalid data. name: InvalidValue - description: The request wasn't understood by the API. name: BadRequest 401: description: The request was not authenticated. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ApiErrorResponse' x-errorCodes: - description: The request was not properly authenticated. name: BadAuthentication 403: description: Insufficient permissions. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ApiErrorResponse' x-errorCodes: - description: This request should be made in a different Scope. name: ScopeViolation - description: You do not have the necessary permissions to perform this request. name: PermissionViolation - description: The maximum memory limit in GB has been reached. name: MemoryQuotaExceeded - description: The vCPUs limit has been reached. name: VcpusQuotaExceeded - description: The maximum number of the Servers that you can launch or resume has been reached. name: ServersQuotaExceeded - description: The maximum number of the Servers that you can launch or resume on current Farm has been reached. name: ServersPerFarmQuotaExceeded 404: description: Resource not found. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ApiErrorResponse' x-errorCodes: - description: This endpoint does not exist. name: EndpointNotFound noDoc: true - description: The object you are trying to access does not exist. name: ObjectNotFound 409: description: Conflict with current state. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ApiErrorResponse' x-errorCodes: - description: These changes aren't possible while this object is in use. name: ObjectInUse - description: These changes would violate a policy. name: PolicyViolation - description: These changes would violate a unicity constraint. name: UnicityViolation - description: Some of the objects being changed are locked and cannot be changed. name: Locked - description: This Cloud platform is not enabled. name: NotEnabledPlatform - description: The Operating System does not match. name: OperatingSystemMismatch 422: description: This request was well-formed but was rejected due to semantic errors. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ApiErrorResponse' x-errorCodes: - description: Some of the configuration settings cannot be applied because they conflict with the current state. name: ConfigurationMismatch 500: description: A server-side error occurred. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ApiErrorResponse' 501: description: This feature is not implemented in Scalr. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ApiErrorResponse' 503: description: The service is currently unavailable. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ApiErrorResponse' parameters: - description: The ID of a Role object. in: path name: roleId required: true type: integer x-references: $ref: '#/definitions/Role' - description: The ID of a Image object. in: path maxLength: 36 minLength: 36 name: imageId pattern: '[A-Fa-f0-9]{8}-([A-Fa-f0-9]{4}-){3}[A-Fa-f0-9]{12}' required: true type: string x-references: $ref: '#/definitions/Image' /roles/{roleId}/images/{imageId}/actions/replace/: parameters: - description: The ID of a Role object. in: path name: roleId required: true type: integer x-references: $ref: '#/definitions/Role' - description: The ID of a Image object. in: path maxLength: 36 minLength: 36 name: imageId pattern: '[A-Fa-f0-9]{8}-([A-Fa-f0-9]{4}-){3}[A-Fa-f0-9]{12}' required: true type: string x-references: $ref: '#/definitions/Image' post: description: Replaces an Image in-place in a given Role. This allows you to replace an Image without having to dis-associate it and then associate a new one, which may not be possible if a Farm Role is currently using this Image. parameters: - description: The JSON representation of a RoleImage object. in: body name: roleImageObject required: true schema: $ref: '#/definitions/RoleImage' responses: 200: description: The JSON representation of a RoleImage object. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/RoleImageDetailsResponse' 400: description: A client-side error was made. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ApiErrorResponse' x-errorCodes: - description: The request was structurally incorrect, and was not understood by the API. name: InvalidStructure - description: The request was understood by the API, but included invalid data. name: InvalidValue - description: The request wasn't understood by the API. name: BadRequest 401: description: The request was not authenticated. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ApiErrorResponse' x-errorCodes: - description: The request was not properly authenticated. name: BadAuthentication 403: description: Insufficient permissions. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ApiErrorResponse' x-errorCodes: - description: This request should be made in a different Scope. name: ScopeViolation - description: You do not have the necessary permissions to perform this request. name: PermissionViolation - description: The maximum memory limit in GB has been reached. name: MemoryQuotaExceeded - description: The vCPUs limit has been reached. name: VcpusQuotaExceeded - description: The maximum number of the Servers that you can launch or resume has been reached. name: ServersQuotaExceeded - description: The maximum number of the Servers that you can launch or resume on current Farm has been reached. name: ServersPerFarmQuotaExceeded 404: description: Resource not found. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ApiErrorResponse' x-errorCodes: - description: This endpoint does not exist. name: EndpointNotFound noDoc: true - description: The object you are trying to access does not exist. name: ObjectNotFound 409: description: Conflict with current state. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ApiErrorResponse' x-errorCodes: - description: These changes aren't possible while this object is in use. name: ObjectInUse - description: These changes would violate a policy. name: PolicyViolation - description: These changes would violate a unicity constraint. name: UnicityViolation - description: Some of the objects being changed are locked and cannot be changed. name: Locked - description: This Cloud platform is not enabled. name: NotEnabledPlatform - description: The Operating System does not match. name: OperatingSystemMismatch 422: description: This request was well-formed but was rejected due to semantic errors. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ApiErrorResponse' x-errorCodes: - description: Some of the configuration settings cannot be applied because they conflict with the current state. name: ConfigurationMismatch 500: description: A server-side error occurred. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ApiErrorResponse' 501: description: This feature is not implemented in Scalr. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ApiErrorResponse' 503: description: The service is currently unavailable. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ApiErrorResponse' /roles/{roleId}/orchestration-rules/: get: description: List the Orchestration Rules associated to a Role. responses: 200: description: A list of OrchestrationRule objects. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/OrchestrationRuleListResponse' 400: description: A client-side error was made. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ApiErrorResponse' x-errorCodes: - description: The request was structurally incorrect, and was not understood by the API. name: InvalidStructure - description: The request was understood by the API, but included invalid data. name: InvalidValue - description: The request wasn't understood by the API. name: BadRequest 401: description: The request was not authenticated. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ApiErrorResponse' x-errorCodes: - description: The request was not properly authenticated. name: BadAuthentication 403: description: Insufficient permissions. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ApiErrorResponse' x-errorCodes: - description: This request should be made in a different Scope. name: ScopeViolation - description: You do not have the necessary permissions to perform this request. name: PermissionViolation - description: The maximum memory limit in GB has been reached. name: MemoryQuotaExceeded - description: The vCPUs limit has been reached. name: VcpusQuotaExceeded - description: The maximum number of the Servers that you can launch or resume has been reached. name: ServersQuotaExceeded - description: The maximum number of the Servers that you can launch or resume on current Farm has been reached. name: ServersPerFarmQuotaExceeded 404: description: Resource not found. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ApiErrorResponse' x-errorCodes: - description: This endpoint does not exist. name: EndpointNotFound noDoc: true - description: The object you are trying to access does not exist. name: ObjectNotFound 409: description: Conflict with current state. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ApiErrorResponse' x-errorCodes: - description: These changes aren't possible while this object is in use. name: ObjectInUse - description: These changes would violate a policy. name: PolicyViolation - description: These changes would violate a unicity constraint. name: UnicityViolation - description: Some of the objects being changed are locked and cannot be changed. name: Locked - description: This Cloud platform is not enabled. name: NotEnabledPlatform - description: The Operating System does not match. name: OperatingSystemMismatch 422: description: This request was well-formed but was rejected due to semantic errors. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ApiErrorResponse' x-errorCodes: - description: Some of the configuration settings cannot be applied because they conflict with the current state. name: ConfigurationMismatch 500: description: A server-side error occurred. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ApiErrorResponse' 501: description: This feature is not implemented in Scalr. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ApiErrorResponse' 503: description: The service is currently unavailable. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ApiErrorResponse' parameters: - description: The ID of a Role object. in: path name: roleId required: true type: integer x-references: $ref: '#/definitions/Role' post: description: Create a new Orchestration Rule associated to a Role. parameters: - description: The JSON representation of a OrchestrationRule object. in: body name: orchestrationRuleObject required: true schema: $ref: '#/definitions/OrchestrationRule' responses: 201: description: The JSON representation of a OrchestrationRule object. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/OrchestrationRuleDetailsResponse' 400: description: A client-side error was made. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ApiErrorResponse' x-errorCodes: - description: The request was structurally incorrect, and was not understood by the API. name: InvalidStructure - description: The request was understood by the API, but included invalid data. name: InvalidValue - description: The request wasn't understood by the API. name: BadRequest 401: description: The request was not authenticated. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ApiErrorResponse' x-errorCodes: - description: The request was not properly authenticated. name: BadAuthentication 403: description: Insufficient permissions. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ApiErrorResponse' x-errorCodes: - description: This request should be made in a different Scope. name: ScopeViolation - description: You do not have the necessary permissions to perform this request. name: PermissionViolation - description: The maximum memory limit in GB has been reached. name: MemoryQuotaExceeded - description: The vCPUs limit has been reached. name: VcpusQuotaExceeded - description: The maximum number of the Servers that you can launch or resume has been reached. name: ServersQuotaExceeded - description: The maximum number of the Servers that you can launch or resume on current Farm has been reached. name: ServersPerFarmQuotaExceeded 404: description: Resource not found. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ApiErrorResponse' x-errorCodes: - description: This endpoint does not exist. name: EndpointNotFound noDoc: true - description: The object you are trying to access does not exist. name: ObjectNotFound 409: description: Conflict with current state. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ApiErrorResponse' x-errorCodes: - description: These changes aren't possible while this object is in use. name: ObjectInUse - description: These changes would violate a policy. name: PolicyViolation - description: These changes would violate a unicity constraint. name: UnicityViolation - description: Some of the objects being changed are locked and cannot be changed. name: Locked - description: This Cloud platform is not enabled. name: NotEnabledPlatform - description: The Operating System does not match. name: OperatingSystemMismatch 422: description: This request was well-formed but was rejected due to semantic errors. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ApiErrorResponse' x-errorCodes: - description: Some of the configuration settings cannot be applied because they conflict with the current state. name: ConfigurationMismatch 500: description: A server-side error occurred. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ApiErrorResponse' 501: description: This feature is not implemented in Scalr. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ApiErrorResponse' 503: description: The service is currently unavailable. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ApiErrorResponse' /roles/{roleId}/orchestration-rules/{orchestrationRuleId}/: delete: description: Deletes the specified Orchestration Rule from the Role. responses: 204: description: Successful deletion. 400: description: A client-side error was made. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ApiErrorResponse' x-errorCodes: - description: The request was structurally incorrect, and was not understood by the API. name: InvalidStructure - description: The request was understood by the API, but included invalid data. name: InvalidValue - description: The request wasn't understood by the API. name: BadRequest 401: description: The request was not authenticated. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ApiErrorResponse' x-errorCodes: - description: The request was not properly authenticated. name: BadAuthentication 403: description: Insufficient permissions. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ApiErrorResponse' x-errorCodes: - description: This request should be made in a different Scope. name: ScopeViolation - description: You do not have the necessary permissions to perform this request. name: PermissionViolation - description: The maximum memory limit in GB has been reached. name: MemoryQuotaExceeded - description: The vCPUs limit has been reached. name: VcpusQuotaExceeded - description: The maximum number of the Servers that you can launch or resume has been reached. name: ServersQuotaExceeded - description: The maximum number of the Servers that you can launch or resume on current Farm has been reached. name: ServersPerFarmQuotaExceeded 404: description: Resource not found. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ApiErrorResponse' x-errorCodes: - description: This endpoint does not exist. name: EndpointNotFound noDoc: true - description: The object you are trying to access does not exist. name: ObjectNotFound 409: description: Conflict with current state. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ApiErrorResponse' x-errorCodes: - description: These changes aren't possible while this object is in use. name: ObjectInUse - description: These changes would violate a policy. name: PolicyViolation - description: These changes would violate a unicity constraint. name: UnicityViolation - description: Some of the objects being changed are locked and cannot be changed. name: Locked - description: This Cloud platform is not enabled. name: NotEnabledPlatform - description: The Operating System does not match. name: OperatingSystemMismatch 422: description: This request was well-formed but was rejected due to semantic errors. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ApiErrorResponse' x-errorCodes: - description: Some of the configuration settings cannot be applied because they conflict with the current state. name: ConfigurationMismatch 500: description: A server-side error occurred. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ApiErrorResponse' 501: description: This feature is not implemented in Scalr. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ApiErrorResponse' 503: description: The service is currently unavailable. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ApiErrorResponse' get: description: Retrieve a given Orchestration Rule associated to a Role. responses: 200: description: The JSON representation of a OrchestrationRule object. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/OrchestrationRuleDetailsResponse' 400: description: A client-side error was made. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ApiErrorResponse' x-errorCodes: - description: The request was structurally incorrect, and was not understood by the API. name: InvalidStructure - description: The request was understood by the API, but included invalid data. name: InvalidValue - description: The request wasn't understood by the API. name: BadRequest 401: description: The request was not authenticated. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ApiErrorResponse' x-errorCodes: - description: The request was not properly authenticated. name: BadAuthentication 403: description: Insufficient permissions. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ApiErrorResponse' x-errorCodes: - description: This request should be made in a different Scope. name: ScopeViolation - description: You do not have the necessary permissions to perform this request. name: PermissionViolation - description: The maximum memory limit in GB has been reached. name: MemoryQuotaExceeded - description: The vCPUs limit has been reached. name: VcpusQuotaExceeded - description: The maximum number of the Servers that you can launch or resume has been reached. name: ServersQuotaExceeded - description: The maximum number of the Servers that you can launch or resume on current Farm has been reached. name: ServersPerFarmQuotaExceeded 404: description: Resource not found. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ApiErrorResponse' x-errorCodes: - description: This endpoint does not exist. name: EndpointNotFound noDoc: true - description: The object you are trying to access does not exist. name: ObjectNotFound 409: description: Conflict with current state. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ApiErrorResponse' x-errorCodes: - description: These changes aren't possible while this object is in use. name: ObjectInUse - description: These changes would violate a policy. name: PolicyViolation - description: These changes would violate a unicity constraint. name: UnicityViolation - description: Some of the objects being changed are locked and cannot be changed. name: Locked - description: This Cloud platform is not enabled. name: NotEnabledPlatform - description: The Operating System does not match. name: OperatingSystemMismatch 422: description: This request was well-formed but was rejected due to semantic errors. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ApiErrorResponse' x-errorCodes: - description: Some of the configuration settings cannot be applied because they conflict with the current state. name: ConfigurationMismatch 500: description: A server-side error occurred. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ApiErrorResponse' 501: description: This feature is not implemented in Scalr. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ApiErrorResponse' 503: description: The service is currently unavailable. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ApiErrorResponse' parameters: - description: The ID of a Role object. in: path name: roleId required: true type: integer x-references: $ref: '#/definitions/Role' - description: The ID of a OrchestrationRule object. in: path maxLength: 36 minLength: 36 name: orchestrationRuleId pattern: '[A-Fa-f0-9]{8}-([A-Fa-f0-9]{4}-){3}[A-Fa-f0-9]{12}' required: true type: string x-references: $ref: '#/definitions/OrchestrationRule' patch: description: Modify the attributes of the specified Orchestration Rule. parameters: - description: The JSON representation of a OrchestrationRule object. in: body name: orchestrationRuleObject required: true schema: $ref: '#/definitions/OrchestrationRule' responses: 200: description: The JSON representation of a OrchestrationRule object. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/OrchestrationRuleDetailsResponse' 400: description: A client-side error was made. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ApiErrorResponse' x-errorCodes: - description: The request was structurally incorrect, and was not understood by the API. name: InvalidStructure - description: The request was understood by the API, but included invalid data. name: InvalidValue - description: The request wasn't understood by the API. name: BadRequest 401: description: The request was not authenticated. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ApiErrorResponse' x-errorCodes: - description: The request was not properly authenticated. name: BadAuthentication 403: description: Insufficient permissions. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ApiErrorResponse' x-errorCodes: - description: This request should be made in a different Scope. name: ScopeViolation - description: You do not have the necessary permissions to perform this request. name: PermissionViolation - description: The maximum memory limit in GB has been reached. name: MemoryQuotaExceeded - description: The vCPUs limit has been reached. name: VcpusQuotaExceeded - description: The maximum number of the Servers that you can launch or resume has been reached. name: ServersQuotaExceeded - description: The maximum number of the Servers that you can launch or resume on current Farm has been reached. name: ServersPerFarmQuotaExceeded 404: description: Resource not found. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ApiErrorResponse' x-errorCodes: - description: This endpoint does not exist. name: EndpointNotFound noDoc: true - description: The object you are trying to access does not exist. name: ObjectNotFound 409: description: Conflict with current state. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ApiErrorResponse' x-errorCodes: - description: These changes aren't possible while this object is in use. name: ObjectInUse - description: These changes would violate a policy. name: PolicyViolation - description: These changes would violate a unicity constraint. name: UnicityViolation - description: Some of the objects being changed are locked and cannot be changed. name: Locked - description: This Cloud platform is not enabled. name: NotEnabledPlatform - description: The Operating System does not match. name: OperatingSystemMismatch 422: description: This request was well-formed but was rejected due to semantic errors. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ApiErrorResponse' x-errorCodes: - description: Some of the configuration settings cannot be applied because they conflict with the current state. name: ConfigurationMismatch 500: description: A server-side error occurred. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ApiErrorResponse' 501: description: This feature is not implemented in Scalr. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ApiErrorResponse' 503: description: The service is currently unavailable. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ApiErrorResponse' /users/: get: description: List all available Users. responses: 200: description: A list of UserSummary objects. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/UserSummaryListResponse' 400: description: A client-side error was made. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ApiErrorResponse' x-errorCodes: - description: The request was structurally incorrect, and was not understood by the API. name: InvalidStructure - description: The request was understood by the API, but included invalid data. name: InvalidValue - description: The request wasn't understood by the API. name: BadRequest 401: description: The request was not authenticated. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ApiErrorResponse' x-errorCodes: - description: The request was not properly authenticated. name: BadAuthentication 403: description: Insufficient permissions. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ApiErrorResponse' x-errorCodes: - description: This request should be made in a different Scope. name: ScopeViolation - description: You do not have the necessary permissions to perform this request. name: PermissionViolation - description: The maximum memory limit in GB has been reached. name: MemoryQuotaExceeded - description: The vCPUs limit has been reached. name: VcpusQuotaExceeded - description: The maximum number of the Servers that you can launch or resume has been reached. name: ServersQuotaExceeded - description: The maximum number of the Servers that you can launch or resume on current Farm has been reached. name: ServersPerFarmQuotaExceeded 404: description: Resource not found. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ApiErrorResponse' x-errorCodes: - description: This endpoint does not exist. name: EndpointNotFound noDoc: true - description: The object you are trying to access does not exist. name: ObjectNotFound 409: description: Conflict with current state. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ApiErrorResponse' x-errorCodes: - description: These changes aren't possible while this object is in use. name: ObjectInUse - description: These changes would violate a policy. name: PolicyViolation - description: These changes would violate a unicity constraint. name: UnicityViolation - description: Some of the objects being changed are locked and cannot be changed. name: Locked - description: This Cloud platform is not enabled. name: NotEnabledPlatform - description: The Operating System does not match. name: OperatingSystemMismatch 422: description: This request was well-formed but was rejected due to semantic errors. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ApiErrorResponse' x-errorCodes: - description: Some of the configuration settings cannot be applied because they conflict with the current state. name: ConfigurationMismatch 500: description: A server-side error occurred. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ApiErrorResponse' 501: description: This feature is not implemented in Scalr. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ApiErrorResponse' 503: description: The service is currently unavailable. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ApiErrorResponse' produces: - application/json swagger: "2.0" x-dry-yaml-definitions: architecture: enum: - i386 - x86_64 type: string cloudLocationProperties: cloudLocation: description: 'Cloud Location, inside a given Cloud Platform, for this resource. May be null if this resource does not have a specific location. Note: if you would like to filter on this property, you **must** also filter on `cloudPlatform`.' type: string cloudPlatform: description: The Cloud Platform this resource resides in. enum: - ec2 - gce - azure - cloudstack - idcf - openstack - ocs - otc - rackspacenguk - rackspacengus - hpcloud - mirantis - vio - cisco - vmware type: string cloudstackProvider: description: Cloud provider that should be specified for CloudStack based clouds. enum: - cloudstack - idcf type: string openstackProvider: description: Cloud provider that should be specified for OpenStack based clouds. enum: - openstack - ocs - hpcloud - mirantis - vio - cisco type: string pathParamsPatterns: uuid: maxLength: 36 minLength: 36 pattern: '[A-Fa-f0-9]{8}-([A-Fa-f0-9]{4}-){3}[A-Fa-f0-9]{12}' uuidShort: maxLength: 12 minLength: 12 pattern: '[A-Fa-f0-9]+' scopeProperty: enum: - scalr - account - environment - farm - farmrole - role - server type: string ...